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Presentation on theme: " Healthy weight – addressing the challenges of childhood and adult obesity Dr SJ Louise Smith Deputy Director of Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy weight – addressing the challenges of childhood and adult obesity Dr SJ Louise Smith Deputy Director of Public Health

2 Introduction What is obesity? Causes? Why does it matter? Size of the issue? So what can we do?

3 What is obesity? “Being fat” “Very overweight” “More than just a few extra pounds” “Weight 20% above normal” BMI >30 “A major problem in today’s society” “Multifaceted highly complex medical condition” “Accumulation of fat to the extent it may have adverse effects on health”

4 Causes When energy intake in the form of food and drink… …is greater than energy expenditure

5 Causes Lack of exercise Poor diet It develops gradually: poor diet & lifestyle choices Increased access to poor food

6 Causes Too much sugar The introduction of mass production of high-fructose corn syrup

7 Foresight 2007 Complex web of societal and biological factors… …over 100 variables that directly or indirectly influence..



10 Why does it matter? Compared with a non-obese man, an obese man is: 5 x more likely to develop type 2 diabetes 3 x more likely to develop cancer of the colon 2 ½ x more likely to develop high blood pressure

11 Micro Lives Life expectancy for 22 yr man = 79 –20,800 days –500,000 hours –1 million half hours 1 Micro Lives = 30 min 1 day = 48 Micro Lives

12 Micro Lives Bodies age faster when we do bad things to them –So micro lives can also be allocated to risk 1 Cigarette shortens life by 15 min 1 Micro Life –2 Cigarettes –2 Pints Strong Beer

13 1 Micro Life Healthy waist size man = 37 inches –1 Extra inch on your waist line [every day] 39 - 40 inch waist = 2.3years = 76.7 life expectancy


15 Why does it matter: Children? Short term –emotional & psychological effects –low self-esteem; anxiety & depression –Type 2 diabetes Once established, notoriously difficult to treat: long term: –higher risk of morbidity, disability & premature mortality in adulthood

16 Adult obesity

17 Hertfordshire adult obesity

18 Children’s Obesity

19 Hertfordshire Children’s Obesity

20 What does it cost? Costs direct and indirect NHS 2.5% total spend [£1,000m] –Hertfordshire → £30 million Lost earnings £2.5bn –Hertfordshire → £45 million NICE reduce no obese by 1% → £51m –Hertfordshire → £1 million


22 Healthy weight – addressing the challenges of childhood and adult obesity Sue Beck

23 Discussion Is it worth it? – Can society turn obesity around? What works and what doesn’t work? What else could we do?

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