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 Dedicated to Athene  Parian marble, in the round  c.530 BCE (Archaic period)  Statue of a maiden/young woman wearing a peplos over a chiton  1.18m.

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Presentation on theme: " Dedicated to Athene  Parian marble, in the round  c.530 BCE (Archaic period)  Statue of a maiden/young woman wearing a peplos over a chiton  1.18m."— Presentation transcript:


2  Dedicated to Athene  Parian marble, in the round  c.530 BCE (Archaic period)  Statue of a maiden/young woman wearing a peplos over a chiton  1.18m tall (inc. plinth)

3  Dedicated to Athene  Buried after the Persians destroyed the acropolis 480BC  West of the erectheum on the acropolis, Athens  Now in the acropolis museum, Athens  Plaster cast copy in the museum of national archaeology, Cambridge

4  Large almond eyes  Archaic smile  Hair not beaded  Realistic(ish) ear  A mark can be seen where the head has fallen off

5  CLOTHED - Wearing a decorated woollen peplos with chiton underneath  No folds  Gathered at the waist  Narrow waist  Left hand presumably extended, holding an offering tot he gods  The hat thingy is called a meniskos and is likely to have been on the statue in order to keep off rain and birds

6  Peplos - usual garment worn by women up until mid-6 th century BC  After that the chiton with diagonal cloak (himation) came into fashion  So it is surprising to see a peplos over the top of a chiton

7  Peplos and chiton at the same time  Realistic ear  Arm extended (not by the side)  Arm would be inserted into socket, easier to replace  Hair wavy, not properly beaded  Made late on in the archaic period (made c520BC, Archaic period 800-480BC)

8 Berlin Kore, c570BCPeplos Kore, c520BC

9  Almost symmetrical – Same number of hair things on each side, everything is perfectly in place.  In some ways it is more difficult to go wrong than with a kouros because the kore is not naked. Lack of muscle and no folds in the clothing means the body structure is relatively simple, and there aren’t really any geometrics either.

10  “One of the most delightful, also found on the Athenian acropolis, wears over her chiton a small woollen peplos”  “The drapery is treated in terms of broad, simple masses. It is enlivened by slight irregularities to convey a sense of the young and supple body it conceals”  “These artists possessed great technical skill and created works with exquisitely refined surfaces; yet despite their mastery of naturalistic detail, they were not able to make their statues come alive.”

11 THANKS. <3

12 By Jonathan de Costa (ft. Danayan’s nose)

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