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 The camera angle or commonly called “camera placement” marks the specific location at which a camera is placed to take a shot.  Different camera angles.

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Presentation on theme: " The camera angle or commonly called “camera placement” marks the specific location at which a camera is placed to take a shot.  Different camera angles."— Presentation transcript:

1  The camera angle or commonly called “camera placement” marks the specific location at which a camera is placed to take a shot.  Different camera angles give a different viewing experience and can give a different emotion for the viewer.  Camera angle informs the audience of their position to the story

2  Understanding how to take different shots: The height and position of the camcorder in relation to the subject has a big influence on how the final picture will look.  The following will help you understand some of the basic camera angles

3  For the beginner, there are five basic camera position to use when you make your camera shots:  1.) Ground Level  2.) Waist  3.) Chest  4.) Shoulder  5.) Overhead

4  The camera points upwards, anywhere below the eye line looking up, usually making the subject or setting seem grand or threatening.  Low Angle Shot – Subject looks powerful or threatening (child to adult view)



7  The camera is positioned as thought it is a human actually observing a scene.  Camera is face on commonly called face-to- face view.  Neutral Shot – Subject is equal in power to the veiwer


9  This shot is looking “down” on someone.  The camera looks down, making the subject look vulnerable or insignificant.  This angle gives the exact opposite feeling from a low angle. High angles make the object photographed seem smaller, and less significant.  A camera is located above the eyeline.


11  1.) Over the shoulder Shot  2.) Establishing a Shot  3.) Point of View Shot

12  A shot of someone or something taken over the shoulder of another person.  The back of the shoulder and head of this person is used to frame the image of what the camera is pointing toward.  This type of shot is very common when two people characters are having a discussion.


14  A broad overview shot which helps the audience place the characters in their setting.  This shot is often followed by the Over The Shoulder Shot


16  A shot which shows the viewer what the subject sees through his or her eyes- a view from the subjects perspective.  It is usually edited in such a way that it is obvious who’s point of view it is.


18  012/10/01/types-of-camera-shots/ 012/10/01/types-of-camera-shots/  Ignore advertisement at bottom, not part of camera angles.

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