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Presentation on theme: "THE WORKER / WRAPPER TRANSFORMATION Graham Hutton and Andy Gill."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 What Is It? program wrapper worker A technique for changing the type of a program in order to improve its performance:

3 2 This Talk zTechnique has been used by compiler writers for many years, e.g. GHC since 1991; zBut is little known in the wider community, and has never been described precisely; zWe explain, formalise and explore the generality of the worker/wrapper transformation.

4 3 Fixed Points ones = 1 : ones ones = fix body body xs = 1 : xs can be rewritten as: fix f = f (fix f) The key to formalising the technique is the use of explicit fixed points. For example:

5 4 The Problem A Type of the desired worker. Type of the original program. B Suppose we wish to change the type of a recursive program, defined by prog = fix body.

6 5 Assumptions We assume conversion functions A can be faithfully represented by B. such that: wrap. unwrap = id A AB wrap unwrap

7 6 Let’s Calculate! 6 prog fix body = fix (wrap. unwrap. body) = fix (id A. body) = wrap work = wrap (fix (unwrap. body. wrap)) = Rolling rule.

8 7 Summary prog We have derived the following factorisation: Wrapper of type B  A. Recursive program of type A. wrap = Recursive worker of type B. work

9 8 The Final Step We simplify work = fix (unwrap. body. wrap) unwrapwrap and to eliminate the overhead of repeatedly converting between the two types, by fusing together

10 9 The Worker / Wrapper Recipe ① Express the original program using fix; ② Choose the new type for the program; ③ Define appropriate conversion functions; ④ Apply the worker/wrapper transformation; ⑤ Simplify the resulting definitions.

11 10 Example - Reverse How can we improve: rev [] = [] rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x] Step 1 - express the program using fix rev = fix body body f [] = [] body f (x:xs) = f xs ++ [x] Quadratic time.

12 11 Step 2 - choose a new type for the program [a] [a]  [a] abs rep where rep xs = (xs ++) abs f = f [] Key idea (Hughes): represent the result list as a function.

13 12 Step 3 – define conversion functions [a]  [a] wrap unwrap where unwrap f = rep. f wrap g = abs. g Satisfies the worker/wrapper assumption. [a]  [a]  [a]

14 13 Step 4 – apply the transformation rev = wrap work work = fix (unwrap. body. wrap) Step 5 – simplify the result rev :: [a]  [a] rev xs = work xs [] Expanding out wrap.

15 14 Using properties of rep and Worker/wrapper fusion property. we obtain a linear time worker: work :: [a]  [a]  [a] work [] ys = ys work (x:xs) ys = work xs (x:ys) unwrap (wrap work) work =

16 15 Notes zOnce the decision to use Hughes lists is made, the derivation itself is straightforward; zNo induction is required, other than the implicit use to verify that lists form a monoid; zFast reverse fits naturally into our paradigm, but simpler derivations are of course possible.

17 16 Example - Unboxing Int  Int More efficient worker that uses unboxed integers. Type of a simple factorial function. Int ♯  Int ♯ Note: this is how GHC uses worker/wrapper.

18 17 Example - Memoisation More efficient worker that uses a memo table. Type of a simple Fibonacci function. Nat  Nat Stream Nat

19 18 Example - Continuations Expr  Mint More efficient worker that uses success and failure continuations. Type of a simple evaluation function that may fail, where Mint = Maybe Int. Expr  (Int  Mint)  Mint  Mint

20 19 Summary zGeneral technique for changing the type of a program to improve its performance; zStraightforward to understand/apply, requiring only basic equational reasoning principles; zCaptures many seemingly unrelated optimisation methods in a single unified framework.

21 20 Further Work zMechanising the technique; zSpecialised patterns of recursion; zGeneralisation using category theory; zPrograms with effects; zOther application areas.

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