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Lashing.  A means of fastening two poles (or spars) together Qualities of a Good Lashing  Firmness – it should be string and tight, or else it is likely.

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Presentation on theme: "Lashing.  A means of fastening two poles (or spars) together Qualities of a Good Lashing  Firmness – it should be string and tight, or else it is likely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lashing

2  A means of fastening two poles (or spars) together Qualities of a Good Lashing  Firmness – it should be string and tight, or else it is likely to fall apart when put under strain  Neatness – proper steps should be observe because incorrect lashing can easily loosen Knots and Hitches used in Lashing  Stopper Knots – used to lock and prevent slipping of a clove hitch Example: Overhand, Figure of Eight, etc.  Clove Hitch – used to start and finished almost all lashing  Timber Hitch – Used to start a diagonal lashing because of it’s ability to tighten. Parts of Lashing  Wrapping – for connection  Frapping – for tightening

3 Kinds of Lashings Diagonal Lashing Square Lashing Shear Lashing Round Lashing Figure Of Eight Lashing Continuous Lashing Malay Hitch

4 Used where two spars are likely to be pulled apart Procedure 1. Start with the timber hitch along the two spars 2. Wrap at least 3 times along each of the diagonal s of the spars 3. Frap at least 3 times between two spars 4. End with a Clove Hitch in any of the spars 5. Lock with a stoppers knot A. Diagonal Lashing

5 Diagonal Lashing Picture

6 Used where 2 spars cross one another and have to be joined, or where the load on one spars might tend to make a slip over the other Procedure 1. Start with clove hitch along one spar 2. Wrap at least 3 times around both spars alternately (over and under) 3. Frap at least 3 times between 2 spars 4. End with a clove hitch along the other spar 5. Lock with a stopper knot B. Square Lashing

7 Square Lashing Picture

8 C. Shear Lashing Used for spars which will either lift or support weights. Where it’s used to join two spars to increase overall length Procedure 1. Start with a clove hitch along one spar 2. Wrap at least 4 times around both spars 3. Frap at least 3 times between 2 spars  The frapping turns will be difficult to do. In this case, drive in wedges between 2 spars to leave space. 4. End with a clove hitch on the other spar 5. Lock with a stopper knot

9 Shear Lashing Picture

10 D. Round Lashing It is used to join or connect two spars to increase overall length Procedure 1. Almost the same as in shear lashing. 2. Frapping is not applied, and both spars will be tied with a clove hitch

11 Round Lashing Picture

12 E. Figure of Eight Lashing Used for joining three or more spars together  Most useful for doing tripods Procedure 1. Start with a clove hitch along one poles 2. Wrap at least 3 times around the spars alternatingly (over and under) 3. Frap at least 3 times between the spars 4. End with a clove hitch along the other end of the spar 5. Lock with a stopper knot

13 Figure of Eight Lashing Picture

14 F. Continuous Lashing Used in joining a number of spars or strips along a single spar or support  Most useful in making mating for tables, etc. Procedure 1. Make a bight along the center of the rope 2. Knowing the center of the rope, make a Clove Hitch along the center and tie it on the spar support 3. Lie perpendicularly along the support the spars to be tied 4. With the 2 end rope, go over the spar and cross under the support. Continue until all spars are tied to the support 5. End each end rope with a Clove Hitch 6. Lock with a stopper knot

15 Continuous Lashing Picture

16 G. Malay Hitch Used in joining several pieces of spars along each other without a support  Most useful in making matings for camp tables, towers, etc. before a camp and then rolled up for portability Procedure 1. Make a bight along the center of the rope 2. Knowing the center, make a Clove Hitch and tie it around the 1st spar 3. With the 1 st end rope, go over and around the 2 nd spar and to the 3 rd and so on in a circular motion 4. Do the same process with the 2 nd end rope, but instead of going over, go under the second spar making it alternate to each other 5. Finish both end ropes with a Clove Hitch along the last spar 6. Lock with a stopper knot

17 Malay Hitch Picture

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