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The Institute for the Study of Transfer Students January 30, 2006 Dr. Mary F. Howard-Hamilton Professor Higher Education Leadership Program Educational.

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1 The Institute for the Study of Transfer Students January 30, 2006 Dr. Mary F. Howard-Hamilton Professor Higher Education Leadership Program Educational Leadership, Administration, and Foundations

2 Overview Introduction Transfer Transitions Declining by Degrees African American students Asian American students Critical Race Theory Community College Support Systems 4-year college support systems Wrap-up

3 Transfer Transitions: Assisting Students of Color on Campus “minorities are more likely to begin their postsecondary educational experience in a two year college” Bender (1991) New Directions for Community Colleges Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

4 Declining by Degrees U.S. Dept. of Ed. Tabulations note that Latino students are far more likely to drop out if they begin their college studies at two- year colleges. Fewer than 45% of Hispanic two-year college entrants who want a bachelor’s degree succeed in transferring to a four- year college within six years of college entry. Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

5 Declining by Degrees All students who transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree face a completion rate significantly below that of those who start at a four-year school. Hispanics fare worse that others. Among those seeking a bachelor’s degree, 18% of Hispanic two-year students will succeed vs. 26% of Whites. Rendon, Community College Review and Declining by Degrees Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

6 African American Students Approximately two-fifths of African Americans are in two-year institutions, and the majority of these students are women. Successful transfers receive a significant amount of familial support, have a satisfactory level of interaction with administrators, have an external mentor or role model, and participate in extracurricular activities. Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

7 Asian American Students Represent one of the fastest growing student groups entering higher education institutions Intend to transfer to four year institutions Attend to improve basic skills rather than for self-enrichment Family members and friends exerted the most influence on Asian student’s decisions to attend community college Rendon, Community College Review,1994, 22, 1 Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

8 Critical Race Theory Recognizes that racism is endemic to American life. Expresses skepticism toward dominant claims of neutrality, objectivity, color blindness, and meritocracy Challenges ahistoricism and insists on a contextual/historical analysis of institutional policies Insists on recognizing the experiential knowledge of people of color and our communities of origin in analyzing society Is interdisciplinary and crosses epistemological and methodological boundaries Works toward the end of eliminating racial oppression as part of the broader goal of ending all forms of oppression (Villalpando & Bernal, 2002) Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

9 Community College Support Caring faculty who do not discriminate in the classroom Career/Transfer Centers with full time staff Financial aid advice starting in high school throughout the matriculation process Support groups Personalized experience or validation by faculty and staff Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up

10 4-Year Institution Support The first semester experiences are important to persistence Support Services Student Organizations Centralized transfer and orientation services Personalized experience or validation by faculty and advisors Transfer Transitions Declining African Americans Asian Americans Critical Race Theory CC Support 4-year Support Wrap-up


12 Wrap-Up Continuous effort should be made to maintain the cultural identity of the students on your campus Degree attainment, transfer process, and financial aid should be discussed in high school with the parents and continued in college Create cultural enrichment opportunities for all students, faculty, and staff

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