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W EBINAR : J UNE 5, 2013 T HE ( REGULAR ) 2013 L EGISLATIVE S ESSION : R EFLECTIONS AND P ROJECTIONS Lucy Culp, American Heart Association Vic Colman,

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1 W EBINAR : J UNE 5, 2013 T HE ( REGULAR ) 2013 L EGISLATIVE S ESSION : R EFLECTIONS AND P ROJECTIONS Lucy Culp, American Heart Association Vic Colman, Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition

2 Key Bills: Tobacco Prevention Cigar Licenses Creates loophole in Initiative 901 Licenses for cigar lounges and tobacco stores to allow non-cigarette smoking Would allow 100 lounges and 500 stores 2011 Revenue tied to tobacco prevention funding Defeated in final hours of session 2012 New polling: 71 % oppose Defeated again in the last hours of budget negotiating

3 Key Bills: Tobacco Prevention 2013 Introduced again HB 1750 and SB 5070 Heard and passed out of House Committee Brought to the Senate floor as a budget amendment and FAILED!

4 Key Bills: CPR in Schools HB 1556HB 1556 (Van De Wege): CPR & AED’s in schools Incorporates CPR training into high school health classes and provides guidance for schools to accept and properly use AED’s.  Enacted and signed by the Governor!  Great collaboration across public health, community organizations and first responders.  One of few non-funding, education related bills that passed.  Will prepare the next generation to save a life!

5 Phone: (206) 834-8658 Email me at:

6 K EY B ILLS : H EALTHY E ATING HB 1321 HB 1321 (Jinkins): State Agency Food and Beverage Standards COPC as lead advocacy group.  Passed out of House State Government Committee for 2 nd year in a row  Greater engagement by various state agencies  Where do we go from here?

7 K EY B ILLS : A CTIVE T RANSPORTATION HB 1045 HB 1045 (Ryu): Neighborhood Safe Speeds Bicycle Alliance as lead advocate group  Enacted and signed by the Governor!  Great example of how state legislation can support local work  Terrific local policy opportunity for local healthy community groups to lower speed limits in their cities and counties

8 K EY B ILLS : A CTIVE T RANSPORTATION HB 1233 HB 1233 (Jinkins): include health in the state transportation system policy goals. Transportation Choices Coalition as lead advocate group  Passed House Transportation for 2 nd year in a row (with some bipartisan support)  Will get pushed again next year

9 K EY B ILLS : C HILD C ARE HB 1784 HB 1784 (Farrell): provides for a stronger health lens in child care licensing and training. COPC as lead advocate group.  March 15 th Work session in the House Early Learning & Human Services Committee  Next steps: still to be determined but legislative interest is strong

10 K EY B UDGET “H IGHLIGHTS ”:  Still to be determined

11 R EFLECTIONS AND P ROJECTIONS  Reasons for renewed optimism about state-level work  COPC lobbyist presence – Erin Dziedzic  New Governor and legislators provide new opportunities for moving healthy communities policy work  Active transportation strategies still seems like easier (or perhaps “less hard”) to accomplish than nutrition work. Why?  Federal level still a battleground for the consistent funding of community-based prevention

12 Phone: (206) 910-7643 Email us at:

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