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Leading Collaborations to Change Lives. Leading Collaborations to Change Lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Collaborations to Change Lives. Leading Collaborations to Change Lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

2 Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

3 Getting Started Individually, identify service gaps in your community and write them on the note cards provided. Keep adding to your notes during the presentation for use during the group activities. Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

4 Presenters: Steve Pulliam Executive Director, UWTC Barbara Boerner Past President, UWTC Stoney Blevins Director, Transylvania County Department of Social Services Jim Trefz President, UWTC Leading Collaborations to Change Lives North Carolina

5 Steve Pulliam Executive Director, UWTC AGENDA: Background – Steve Pulliam True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion Q&A Wrap-Up Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

6 2008 Challenge Leading Collaborations to Change Lives How to… develop our long-term vision, goals and initiatives around the three focus areas put forth by UWW, rally all needed partners to be involved, and achieve improvements in community level outcomes, …with 1.75 staff members?

7 June 2008 - Selected 3 focus areas*  Education, Financial Stability, & Health December 2008 - Selected partners*  Child & Family Coalition (Education) = 20+ Agencies  Land of Waterfalls Partnership for Health (Health) = 15+ Representatives January 2010 - Integrated into Allocation Process* *utilized 2500 volunteer hours combined United Way of Transylvania County – 2020 Vision, Barriers & Outcomes Leading Collaborations to Change Lives


9 2011 Moving to Collaboration  Evaluated the test collaborative: TRAIN (Transylvania Resource, Access & Information Network)  “Pushed” collaborative idea with agencies  Discussed potential collaboratives in program review process Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

10 Barbara Boerner Past President, UWTC AGENDA: Background True Collaboration – Barbara Boerner UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion Q&A Wrap-Up Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

11 True Collaboration by Barbara Boerner Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

12 AGENDA: Background True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration – Steve Pulliam Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion Q&A Wrap-Up Leading Collaborations to Change Lives Steve Pulliam Executive Director, UWTC

13 2012 Collaborative Funding Process Initiation  Revised: Allocation Plan  Defined: Collaboratives “two or more agencies working together to break through one of the defined barriers to success for a defined population”  Created Incentive for Change: Up to 1 st $100,000 (35%) of allocations to Collaboratives Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

14 2012 – 2013 First Year Collaboratives Health TRAIN – 2 Agencies - $15,000 Van service for low income people w/o transportation Healthy Smiles – 2 Agencies + Dentists - $9,932 (1/2 yr.) Dental education and repair for uninsured elementary children Connect – 3 agencies - $27,000 Serving families with children at risk of abuse & neglect Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

15 attitudes, networks, neighborhoods, organizations, systems Efforts to influence community Prevention & development services Basic human-needs & crisis services Leading Collaborations to Change Lives Collaborative Efforts: 25% & Increasing Future: Achieving impact by investing in… Focus on community impact

16 From the notes you made about service gaps in your community… …are there two or more agencies your UW could engage in a collaborative manner to create true improvement? Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

17 AGENDA: Background True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative – Stoney Blevins Group Discussion Q&A Wrap-Up Stoney Blevins Director, Transylvania County Social Services Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

18 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County Three separate organizations with similar purposes: Family Place of Transylvania County Transylvania County Department of Social Services The Children’s Center Leading Collaborations to Change Lives The Children’s Center

19 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County One common purpose and passion: Safe children Stable families Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

20 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County Ideas: Collaborate on parenting education Engage families “screened out” by Child Protective Services (CPS) Connect to multiple services

21 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County Shaping the format: Defining partner roles o Space o Fiscal agent o Supervision Staffing Budgeting Name Leading Collaborations to Change Lives The Children’s Center

22 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County Up and running: Weekly “staff” meetings Referral services Other players? Leading Collaborations to Change Lives The Children’s Center

23 Weekly “staff” meetings Referral services Other players? Up and running: County Health Department County School System Adding partners: Leading Collaborations to Change Lives Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County

24 Leading Collaborations to Change Lives Successes after 18 months of operation: 209 children (from 110 families) served through Connect 96% of referrals agreed to become engaged with Connect 95% of children served received assistance without going into Department of Social Services custody Savings to the community estimated at $116,280 for UWTC investment to date of $43,000 = Return on Investment of 170%

25 Leading Collaborations to Change Lives  Connect clients need coordinated services from multiple providers.  

26 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County The power of collaboration: Multi-dimensional reach of services (synergy) Increased level of commitment by partners Egalitarian = no “lead” agency Organic = takes on a life of its own Economy of scale More people served More efficiently More effectively Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

27 Connect The Prevention Collaborative Preventing child abuse and neglect in Transylvania County Common commitments: Fiscal Time Perseverance

28 Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

29 AGENDA: Background True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion – Jim Trefz Q&A Wrap-Up Leading Collaborations to Change Lives Jim Trefz President, UWTC

30 Group Activity = 25 minutes – AS A TABLE 1.Choose one of the scenarios provided for a potential collaborative. Alternative: Use an idea from a table member. 2.Design a plan to sell your Board on a collaborative effort, addressing the question: How do I generate a coalition around this need? Include clear comparison between collaboration & cooperation. Develop thoughts on creating an Incentive Plan for your community. Note: LOI Instructions, Outline & Rubric provided for reference only. 3Prepare a presentation to the UW Board. Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

31 AGENDA: Background True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion Q & A Wrap-Up Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

32 AGENDA: Background True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion Q & A Wrap-Up Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

33 AGENDA: Background True Collaboration UWTC Moves to Collaboration Connect: A Working Collaborative Group Discussion Q & A Wrap-Up = Apply to your local needs Leading Collaborations to Change Lives

34 Contact Info: Steve Pulliam 828-883-8822

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