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- wire + wire D size battery Magnet wire coil magnets Paper clips Support board.

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Presentation on theme: "- wire + wire D size battery Magnet wire coil magnets Paper clips Support board."— Presentation transcript:

1 - wire + wire D size battery Magnet wire coil magnets Paper clips Support board

2 Step 2: Wrap magnet wire around a cylinder Step 1: Make support board Step 3: Bend paper clips to support coil

3 Step 4: Secure all the parts to the support board

4 Strip Insulation around the wire Strip Insulation half way around the wire Step 5: remove insulation and troubleshoot This creates a pulse of electricity while the coil spins Re-bend and re-shape coil and paperclips until coil spins freely

5 Electricity, supplied by the battery, pulses through the system while the magnets pull on the coil, which causes the coil to spin. The blue arrows show a completed electrical circuit.

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