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14th week, Applications Hand Gesture Recognition and Virtual Game Control Based on 3D Accelerometer and EMG Sensors Spring Semester, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "14th week, Applications Hand Gesture Recognition and Virtual Game Control Based on 3D Accelerometer and EMG Sensors Spring Semester, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 14th week, Applications Hand Gesture Recognition and Virtual Game Control Based on 3D Accelerometer and EMG Sensors Spring Semester, 2010

2 Outline Motivation Hand Gesture Recognition Virtual Game Control
Experiments Summary

3 Hand Gesture-based HCI

4 Sensing Techniques Vision-based Movement-based EMG-based
+ Easily track hand gestures - Sensitive to user’s circumstances Movement-based Glove: + Achieve good performance / - wear a cumbersome glove (hinders the convenience and naturalness of HCI) ACC: Easy to wear and recognize EMG-based Hands-free application yet less accurate

5 Motivation Each sensing technique has its own advances and capabilities  multiple sensor fusion ACC-based gesture control Well suited to distinguish noticeable, larger scale gestures EMG-based gesture control Contain rich information about hand gestures of various size scales We considered the complementary features of ACC (recognition) and EMG (segmentation + recognition)

6 Hand Gesture Recognition
Proposed system Segmentation Feature extraction Recognition with HMM

7 Hand Gesture Recognition
Data Segmentation As hand movement switches from one gesture to another one, the corresponding muscles relax for a while Onset threshold Determine active segments Offset threshold Prevent the fragmentation

8 Feature Extraction: EMG
Hand Gesture Recognition Feature Extraction: EMG Frame-based extraction Every EMG channel is filtered by Hamming window Minimize the signal discontinuities 4×n dimensional feature vectors 3rd order auto-regressive coefficients Mean absolute value Window size = 250ms

9 Feature Extraction: ACC
Hand Gesture Recognition Feature Extraction: ACC Normalize the variations in the scale and speed of gesture Scale the amplitude of the data Extrapolate the active segment to 32 points 3×32 dimensional feature vectors

10 HMM for Recognition Multi-stream HMMs Weight factors
Hand Gesture Recognition HMM for Recognition Multi-stream HMMs Weight factors Recognition result

11 Virtual Game Control

12 Experiments: Setup Delsys Myomonitor IV sensor system Five subjects
Four-channel EMG + a 3D-ACC Five subjects Utilize LR HMMs with five states Built EMG and ACC HMMs independently (weight = 0.5) Training set is collected by 10 repetitions

13 Experiments Results

14 Summary Hand gesture recognition can be utilized in natural interaction between human and computers EMG + ACC to achieve real-time hand gesture recognition  Virtual Rubik’s Cube game

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