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Pelota The Basque game Pelota has 24 versions, one of which is Cesta Punta. The term "cesta punta" is the name of both the game and the lacrosse-like.

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Presentation on theme: "Pelota The Basque game Pelota has 24 versions, one of which is Cesta Punta. The term "cesta punta" is the name of both the game and the lacrosse-like."— Presentation transcript:



3 Pelota The Basque game Pelota has 24 versions, one of which is Cesta Punta. The term "cesta punta" is the name of both the game and the lacrosse-like wicker basket that players use to hurl the ball. The sport is similar to squash.

4 Objective/Rules * The game is played by two teams, each of which has one front-court player and one back-court player. * The game is played on a covered three-wall court. * The first serve is drawn and the ball must fall on the floor in a designated spot. * Points are earned by the other team faulting on their serve. * Players can catch the ball in flight or after a single rebound on the floor, even when the ball has hit all three walls before being caught by the opposite team. This process goes on until someone faults. Then the opponent scores one point and serves next. * Games may reach 35 points. One point difference wins the game.


6 PELOTA Spanish for "ball". It is handmade of virgin rubber, layered with nylon thread and two goatskin covers. Slightly smaller than a baseball and livelier than a golf ball, the pelota weighs about 4½ ounces. It has been clocked in play at more than 185 miles per hour and can shatter bulletproof glass. Equipment

7 CESTA Spanish for "basket". It is the curved throwing and catching instrument in jai-alai. Hand-woven and tailored for each player, depending on his position and physical size, the cesta is made of Spanish chestnut and reeds imported from the Pyrenees Mountains. It is these closely woven reeds which give the ball its "English" as it comes spinning out of the cesta. A leather glove is sewn to the outside for the player's hand. The width of the cesta is only 3¼ to 3½ inches which leaves only ½ of an inch margin for error on each side of the ball which measures 2 1/2" in diameter.

8 Cestas are hand-made and cost in excess of $200.00 and are regularly replaced. Tailor-made to players specifications. No two Cestas are exactly alike. The hand is strapped into the glove and the length, curve, and ribbing allows the ball more speed and spin than in any other sport. Measurements are approximately 39 inches long by 4 3/4 inches wide by 6 inches deep.





13 CINTA The string used to tie the cesta to the player's right hand.

14 COSTILLAS Name for the ribs of the cesta that make the form that is woven by cestero (cesta repairman) to make a finished cesta.

15 FAJA The fringed, red sash worn as part of the standard uniform of white shoes and trousers and the colored and numbered shirts indicating post positions.

16 CASCO Spanish for "helmet". Frontcourt players wear yellow helmets. Backcourt players wear red helmets. Until 1967, players went without helmets or, in Spain and France, wore the traditional berets.

17 Jai alai documentary Dhani Jones “tackles” Jai alai Dhani Jones gets a lesson in picking the perfect pumpa ball for the jai alai match Dhani Jones: Bumps and Bruises in Spain


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