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TAKING BETTER PHOTOS WITH YOUR PHONE. What story do you want to tell? – Think about what kind of photos you want to achieve Create a shot list DIRECTING.

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Presentation on theme: "TAKING BETTER PHOTOS WITH YOUR PHONE. What story do you want to tell? – Think about what kind of photos you want to achieve Create a shot list DIRECTING."— Presentation transcript:


2 What story do you want to tell? – Think about what kind of photos you want to achieve Create a shot list DIRECTING THE SHOT

3 SHOT LIST EXAMPLES If working with others, reference helps Glove Removal Grasp the outside of glove with opposite gloved hand and peel off. Hold the removed glove in glove hand. Slide fingers of ungloved hand under remaining glove at write. Peel glove off over first glove. Discard gloves in waste container

4 Point and Shoot Contrast is Key Get as much light as possible Natural is better LIGHTING

5 LAYOUT AND ANGLES What’s your focus? Close or far? Top, middle, or bottom view? Left, right, or center? Clear or blurry background? Flat or dimensional?


7 OTHER TIPS Do Test and adjust your camera settings before you start shooting Take more photos than you need Don’t Don’t zoom it, crop it Don’t flash Don’t think a filter will fix everything


9 PROCEDURAL PHOTOS Things to keep in mind: Procedure: a series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner. Focus in on the subject One concept per photo Don’t skip steps

10 Form teams – At least one person to take photo with phone – One person to model procedure Use the shot list provided ACTIVITY - PROCEDURAL PHOTO SHOOT Sterile Glove Removal 10 MINUTES

11 What symbols can be used? Look for “strong” symbolism rather than ambiguous ideas CONCEPTUAL PHOTOS Things to think about: Concept: An abstract idea or notion.


13 Create a “shot list” of three facial expressions that show the concept of Change. ACTIVITY – CONCEPTUAL PHOTO SHOOT Conceptual Photo Shoot 3 MINUTES

14 Create a “shot list” of three facial expressions that show the concept of Change. Form groups ACTIVITY – CONCEPTUAL PHOTO SHOOT Conceptual Photo Shoot 2 MINUTES

15 Create a “shot list” of three facial expressions that show the concept of Change. Form groups See if there are correlations in your shot lists ACTIVITY – CONCEPTUAL PHOTO SHOOT Conceptual Photo Shoot 2 MINUTES

16 Create a “shot list” of three facial expressions that show the concept of Change. Form groups See if there are correlations in your shot lists Find a large, blank wall, and have your model enact the expressions from everyone’s shot list Remember - more photos are always better! ACTIVITY – CONCEPTUAL PHOTO SHOOT Conceptual Photo Shoot 10 MINUTES

17 Email – File size will be a consideration, emailing individual pictures at a lower size resolution will work best Cable – If you have one available App – Multiple apps available for use: AirDroid (Android) PhotoSync (Apple) Google+ Microsoft OneDrive Flickr, Photobucket Dropbox, Instagram (BJC blocked) UPLOADING CONSIDERATIONS AKA, how do I get these pictures off my phone?

18 Send your pictures to your teammates via email If files aren’t sending correctly, we have a few cables available for use If you have a pre-existing app you use, feel free to use it and send the photos to your teammates that way ACTIVITY - UPLOADING CONTENT You will be using your conceptual photos in the next section of this class. 5 MINUTES


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