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S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION Guidelines and Awareness Training.

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Presentation on theme: "S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION Guidelines and Awareness Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION Guidelines and Awareness Training

2 Agenda Purpose Contamination and Craters Recommendations Summary S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

3 Purpose Contamination continues to be an issue at PPG Multiple occurrences related to raw materials, containers or transport Awareness training is part of PPG’s overall contamination prevention strategy S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

4 What do we mean by contamination? S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

5 What do we mean by DIRT? Any particulate or fibres found in our paint – excessive dirt can cause sanding issues at our customer site. S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

6 Craters are dish shape deformations in a paint surface. What is a CRATER? Some are shallow dimples, others are deep that penetrate to the substrate or layer below S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

7 Cost of Craters S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION Disruption of an OEM assembly line Approximately $10,000 per minute!

8 Cost of Contamination Additional labor for sanding, repairs and rework Car bodies scrapped - $3000 each Paint system at OEM dumped & cleaned - $4000 + disposal costs Scrapped inventory at PPG Laboratory testing, site investigations and supplier claims S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

9 BIGGEST Cost of Contamination Loss of Customer Confidence Loss of business to PPG S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

10 Sampling attachment used on incoming solvent tank wagons Filter allows PPG to assess amount of particles and fibers Gels can be an indicator of crater causing contamination Failed testing will result in a rejected tank wagon Sampling attachment used on incoming solvent tank wagons Filter allows PPG to assess amount of particles and fibers Gels can be an indicator of crater causing contamination Failed testing will result in a rejected tank wagon Solvent Tank Wagons - Sampling and Testing S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

11 Tank Wagons – Sampling and Testing S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

12 Prior Contents Use dedicated tank wagons where possible If not dedicated, must have a system of reviewing prior contents of each tank wagon used for PPG Material Use PPG list of prohibited materials in review of prior contents - contact PPG if there are ANY questions! Prior Contents Use dedicated tank wagons where possible If not dedicated, must have a system of reviewing prior contents of each tank wagon used for PPG Material Use PPG list of prohibited materials in review of prior contents - contact PPG if there are ANY questions! Tank Wagons - Requirements S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

13 Prior Contents Prohibited List Silicones Fluorocarbons and fluorine based additives Pigment dispersing agents Release agents and adhesion promoters Refrigerants Waxes and cleaning compounds Greases and oils Epoxy resin, cationic epoxy and aqueous epoxy Acrylic emulsions Strong acids and bases Slurries, dry powder and dispersions Prior Contents Prohibited List Silicones Fluorocarbons and fluorine based additives Pigment dispersing agents Release agents and adhesion promoters Refrigerants Waxes and cleaning compounds Greases and oils Epoxy resin, cationic epoxy and aqueous epoxy Acrylic emulsions Strong acids and bases Slurries, dry powder and dispersions Tank Wagons - PPG Requirements S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

14 Cleaning Methods Ensure correct cleaning methods − Caustic clean (no detergent) + thorough rinsing − External bottom valve and dome lid disassembled and cleaned − Inside inspection – visual and feel Procedure for pre-cleaning a new tank wagon must be in place − preliminary testing required before filling Cleaning Methods Ensure correct cleaning methods − Caustic clean (no detergent) + thorough rinsing − External bottom valve and dome lid disassembled and cleaned − Inside inspection – visual and feel Procedure for pre-cleaning a new tank wagon must be in place − preliminary testing required before filling Tank Wagons - PPG Requirements S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

15 Totes, Drums, Pails All containers types must be pre-approved by PPG Tote cleaners are audited annually Drum and pail manufacturers are also audited Drums are sampled from every new lot received and tested for dirt Totes, Drums, Pails All containers types must be pre-approved by PPG Tote cleaners are audited annually Drum and pail manufacturers are also audited Drums are sampled from every new lot received and tested for dirt Containers – Approval and Testing S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

16 Maintenance Materials Controls Maintenance List + Visual Aids PPG’s controlled list is called MRL (Material Registration List) All maintenance materials at PPG are crater tested Maintenance materials that FAIL are eliminated where possible A system has been created with stickers that is understood by all employees Maintenance List + Visual Aids PPG’s controlled list is called MRL (Material Registration List) All maintenance materials at PPG are crater tested Maintenance materials that FAIL are eliminated where possible A system has been created with stickers that is understood by all employees S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

17 Maintenance Materials Controls Use of stickers as a visual aid S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

18 Products that scare us! WD-40 widely used but causes craters Rain X widely used but causes craters Silicone based lubricants Greases with low surface tension components There are equivalent products available to use in place of failed products Products that scare us! WD-40 widely used but causes craters Rain X widely used but causes craters Silicone based lubricants Greases with low surface tension components There are equivalent products available to use in place of failed products SEE PPG’s LIST! S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

19 Processing Equipment Equipment Pre-Cleaning ‘de-bugging’ Any equipment that is new must be pre-cleaned – disassembled and cleaned with solvent, then tested Pre-cleaning should be done after all repairs or replacements Equipment Pre-Cleaning ‘de-bugging’ Any equipment that is new must be pre-cleaned – disassembled and cleaned with solvent, then tested Pre-cleaning should be done after all repairs or replacements S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

20 Processing Equipment - Purchasing Drum valve failed testing! S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

21 Gaskets Used in Hoses/Totes Gaskets sampled and tested - failed Gasket supplier used silicone release agent Now have new gaskets Use “Talc” for release and will Have an orange stripe to signify “Talc release” Gaskets Used in Hoses/Totes Gaskets sampled and tested - failed Gasket supplier used silicone release agent Now have new gaskets Use “Talc” for release and will Have an orange stripe to signify “Talc release” S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

22 Silicone Handling Visual Controls at PPG for Silicone Materials Pink label Pink skid Quarantine area Designated equipment for weighing and dispensing Visual Controls at PPG for Silicone Materials Pink label Pink skid Quarantine area Designated equipment for weighing and dispensing S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

23 23 Silicone Handling at PPG WASTE pails for Silicone Storage Bin for designated tools “SILICONE ONLY” tools S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

24 Nitrile Gloves Gloves have caused false results in crater testing Silicone is commonly used in the glove manufacturing process – release agent Need to specify silicone-free gloves from distributor Nitrile Gloves Gloves have caused false results in crater testing Silicone is commonly used in the glove manufacturing process – release agent Need to specify silicone-free gloves from distributor Gloves S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

25 Operators’ Clothing PPG garments have been tested Garment manufacturing and cleaning process has been audited and reviewed — No silicone additives in detergents — No silicone infused thread Operators’ Clothing PPG garments have been tested Garment manufacturing and cleaning process has been audited and reviewed — No silicone additives in detergents — No silicone infused thread Work Wear S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

26 Personal Care Products Hand Lotions Over 50 hand lotions were tested for craters - 95% failed! Recommendation: provide APPROVED hand lotion in production and laboratory areas Hand Lotions Over 50 hand lotions were tested for craters - 95% failed! Recommendation: provide APPROVED hand lotion in production and laboratory areas Silicone Free! S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

27 Personal Care Products Critical in certain processes Evaluate risk at your facility! S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

28 The Tale of Two Deodorants The Good (passes) The Bad (fails) The UGLY! 24H Deodorant Invisible Solid 24H Anti-Perspirant & Deodorant Stick S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

29 Personal Hygiene Wash hands after meals – some food ingredients cause craters Change out heavily soiled garments, shoes or gloves Wear gloves when directly handling materials Personal Hygiene Wash hands after meals – some food ingredients cause craters Change out heavily soiled garments, shoes or gloves Wear gloves when directly handling materials 29 ATTENTION: Jim Blagg / QA Core, Bldg 4 S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

30 Housekeeping and Contamination Prevention Key Areas Raw material containers & skids Key Areas Raw material containers & skids S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

31 Key Areas Processing equipment Blending vessels Transfer pumps Sampling cups Spill containment Key Areas Processing equipment Blending vessels Transfer pumps Sampling cups Spill containment S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION Housekeeping and Contamination Prevention

32 Overall Housekeeping Decrease risk of contamination Decrease risk of errors Overall Housekeeping Decrease risk of contamination Decrease risk of errors S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

33 S UMMARY  Contamination prevention critical for PPG  Guidelines and recommended procedures  Bulk tank wagons – prior contents & cleaning  Bulk tank wagons – sampling & testing  Drums – tested, totes cleaners – audited  Maintenance materials – listed and controlled  Pre-cleaning – all new or repaired equipment  Silicone handling – procedures and quarantine  Work wear – tested and approved S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

34 S UMMARY  Personal care products  Use only approved hand lotion  Evaluate risk of personal care products  Personal hygiene – washing hands  Housekeeping is critical  Cleaning procedures and visual controls  Keeping lids closed  Overall housekeeping S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION

35 Resources and Guidelines – Supplier Portal PPG’s Maintenance Materials List (MRL) Crater Pre-Cleaning Procedure Silicone Valve Warning & Lube Free Letter Bulk and Bulk Solvent Prior Contents Requirements Change Notification Instructions and Form Resources and Guidelines – Supplier Portal PPG’s Maintenance Materials List (MRL) Crater Pre-Cleaning Procedure Silicone Valve Warning & Lube Free Letter Bulk and Bulk Solvent Prior Contents Requirements Change Notification Instructions and Form Tools for Reducing Risk S UPPLIER C ONTAMINATION P REVENTION



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