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HERstory Women’s resistance to violence.  The origins of the word rape are found in ancient Greece: to steal.  England: (beginning 1154), women were.

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Presentation on theme: "HERstory Women’s resistance to violence.  The origins of the word rape are found in ancient Greece: to steal.  England: (beginning 1154), women were."— Presentation transcript:

1 HERstory Women’s resistance to violence

2  The origins of the word rape are found in ancient Greece: to steal.  England: (beginning 1154), women were allowed to bring suit against their rapist as long as they were not married to him and were virgins.  It was also during the reign of Henry II that defenses against rape were developed.  England: (beginning 1307), rape laws acknowledged that a non-virgin woman could be forcibly raped, but only by a non-spouse. Hundreds of years ago

3 Colonization  White Europeans bring sexual violence against Native women.  African women enslaved were often raped by white men. Black men accused of raping white women lynched.  Memphis Riot of May 1866.

4 First Wave  In 1848 the first Women’s Rights Convention was organized.  Sojourner Truth’s legendary declaration “Ain’t I a Woman?” in 1851.  Temperance movement  Ida B. Wells takes leadership roles in organizing anti-lynching campaigns.

5 Second Wave  1970’s  Civil Rights, Gay Rights and Anti-War Movements  Women began a formalized response to SA and DV  Re-frame sexual and domestic violence as a societal problem rather than personal  Early rape crisis centers  Self-defense classes  “Take back the night” marches

6 Second Wave  1980’s  Rape became a topic for academic research  Limited federal and state funding became available to programs.  Pervasiveness of child sexual abuse and acquaintance rape began to be exposed.  Legislative change: criminalization of marital rape in most states  First civil suit was won by a battered woman,  Sexual harassment was declared illegal

7 Professionalization and Legitimization  1990’s  Backlash began in the 1980’s  National and statewide organizations  Violence against women declared as a human rights violation by the UN  Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994  Court supported programs to treat sex offenders and batterers increased.

8 Progress  2000’s  Rape survivors sexual history cannot be used to discredit them in court.  Acquaintance rape has gained greater visibility.  Rape crisis centers are still standing.  Laws continue to change in favor of survivors.  Men’s assumption of power over women has been challenged.  Survivors have greater resources.  Sexual assault rates have declined in recent years.

9 Pushed to the margins  Mainstream feminism did not work for all women, particularly for women of color.  Middle-class white women driving this political activism.  Women are still blamed for the violence they suffer.  Our media continues to showcase violence and sexism.

10 So what?  What implications does this have for YOU as advocates?

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