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More young girls face rape in Afghanistan Grace Kim.

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Presentation on theme: "More young girls face rape in Afghanistan Grace Kim."— Presentation transcript:

1 More young girls face rape in Afghanistan Grace Kim

2 Who Girls as young as seven Especially rapes within the ages of 9, 8, 7

3 What Rapes targeting girls are on the increase in Afghanistan Violence has been on the increase in Afghanistan Afghan government has failed to adequately protect the rights of women despite constitutional guarantees

4 How With a resurgent Taliban targeting NATO forces, government security forces and civilians, violence has been on the increase in AfghanistanTaliban

5 When End of 2008-now Article published, March 6, 2009

6 Where Afghanistan

7 Why Options outside the home are limited where the Taliban holds sway in Afghanistan

8 Works Cited cf/03/06/afghan.women/index.html

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