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Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders. Sexual Dysfunctions 4 The range of sexual problems that are considered to represent inhibitions in the normal sexual.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders. Sexual Dysfunctions 4 The range of sexual problems that are considered to represent inhibitions in the normal sexual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

2 Sexual Dysfunctions 4 The range of sexual problems that are considered to represent inhibitions in the normal sexual response cycle. 4 The DSM divides sexual dysfunctions into 4 categories: –Sexual Desire Disorders –Sexual Arousal Disorders –Orgasm Disorders –Sexual Pain Disorders

3 Human Sexual Response Cycle 4 Appetitive - sexual interest or desire 4 Excitement - a subjective experience of sexual pleasure associated with physiological changes brought about by increased blood flow to the genitalia 4 Orgasm - peak of sexual pleasure. In both sexes, there is general muscle tension and involuntary pelvic thrusting 4 Resolution - the relaxation and sense of well- being that usually follows orgasm

4 Sexual Dysfunctions 4 Sexual Desire Disorders -Hypoactive sexual desire disorder -Sexual aversion disorder 4 Sexual Arousal Disorder -Female sexual arousal disorder -Male erectile disorder 4 Orgasmic Disorders -Female orgasmic disorder -Inhibited female orgasm -Premature ejaculation 4 Sexual Pain Disorder –Dyspareunia –Vaginismus

5 HUMAN SEXUAL INADEQUACY Spectator role and fears about performance Religious orthodoxy Psycho- sexual trauma Homo- sexual inclination Inadequate Counseling Excessive Alcohol Intake Physiolo- gical problems Socio- cultural factors CURRENT HISTORICAL

6 Therapies for Sexual Dysfunctions 4 Anxiety Reduction 4 Sensate-focus 4 Cognitive Restructuring 4 Skills and Communication Training 4 Couples Therapy 4 Psychodynamic Techniques 4 Medical and Physical Procedures

7 Gender Identity Disorder 4 People who are gender dysmorphic - those unhappy with their with their anatomical sex who wish to be of the opposite sex 4 A male with GID experiences his sexual interest in men as a conventional heterosexual preference 4 Biological studies (e.g., hormones, chromosomal abnormalities) have been inconclusive 4 In children with GID, parents are more accepting of their cross-gender behavior

8 The Paraphilias 4 Fetishism - reliance on an inanimate object for sexual arousal. 4 Transvestic Fetishism - a man who is aroused by dressing in women’s clothing, although he still regards himself as a man 4 Pedophilia - adults, usually men, who derive sexual gratification through physical and often sexual contact with prepubertal children unrelated to them. 4 Incest - sexual relations between close relatives for whom marriage is forbidden.

9 Transvestite

10 Transvestite

11 The Paraphilias II 4 Voyeurism (Peeping) - a market preference for obtaining sexual gratification by watching others in a state of undress or having sexual relations 4 Exhibitionism - a recurrent, marked preference for obtaining sexual gratification by exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling stranger. 4 Sexual Sadism - a marked preference for obtaining or increasing sexual gratification by inflicting pain or psychological suffering (e.g., humiliation) 4 Sexual Masochism - a marked preference for obtaining or increasing sexual gratification through subjection to pain or humiliation

12 Rape 4 Forced rape or statutory rape 4 As many as 25 percent of American women will be raped during their lifetime 4 The rapist - rapes usually planned, most have evidence of sexual dysfunction during the rape, many are highly hostile toward women. 4 Cognitive Processing Therapy - combines exposure with cognitive restructuring

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