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CSOM Long Version: Section 11 Learning Objectives zIdentify rationale for specialized supervision zDefine goals of curriculum zSummarize knowledge regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "CSOM Long Version: Section 11 Learning Objectives zIdentify rationale for specialized supervision zDefine goals of curriculum zSummarize knowledge regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSOM Long Version: Section 11 Learning Objectives zIdentify rationale for specialized supervision zDefine goals of curriculum zSummarize knowledge regarding sex offenders and their victims zIdentify emerging approaches to supervision

2 CSOM Long Version: Section 12 Goals of this Curriculum zIdentify challenges of community supervision zLearn from other jurisdictions zRecommend safe and effective approaches

3 CSOM Long Version: Section 13 Training Segments zSection 1: Overview zSection 2: Innovations in Supervision zSection 3: Components of Supervision zSection 4: Sex Offender-Specific Treatment in the Context of Supervision zSection 5: Practical Supervision Strategies

4 CSOM Long Version: Section 14 Who are Victims? zThree Studies that Document Sexual Victimization in the United States 1.) Kilpatrick, Edmunds, & Seymour, (1992). Rape in America: A Report to the Nation 2.) Tjaden & Thoennes, (1998). Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women 3.) Saunders, (2000). National Survey of Adolescents

5 CSOM Long Version: Section 15 Findings zRape in America y78 rapes per hour of women 18 and older.

6 CSOM Long Version: Section 16 Findings zNVAW Survey yUsing a definition of rape that includes forced vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, 18% of U.S. women surveyed said they experienced a completed or attempted rape in their lifetime. y3% of U.S. men surveyed said they experienced a completed or attempted rape in their lifetime. y1 of 6 U.S. women and 1 of 33 U.S. men have experienced an attempted or completed rape as a child and/or adult.  In last 12 months: approximately 876,100 rapes perpetrated against U.S. women.

7 CSOM Long Version: Section 17 Findings zRape in America y62% of victims under 18 years of age @ first assault. zNVAW Survey y22% of victims under age 12 @ first assault. y32% of victims between 12 and 17 years of age @ first assault.

8 CSOM Long Version: Section 18 Findings zNational Survey of Adolescents yN = 4,023 adolescents in U.S. households (age 12-17) y8.1% reported experiencing at least one sexual assault in their lifetime y1.8 million adolescents have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime (based on 1995 U.S. Census data)

9 CSOM Long Version: Section 19 Relationship Between Victim and Offender (Rape in America)

10 CSOM Long Version: Section 110 Relationship Between Victim and Offender (NVAW Survey) Known

11 CSOM Long Version: Section 111 Relationship Between Victim and Offender ( National Survey of Adolescents) zNearly 3 in 4 (74%) -- perpetrators were someone the victim knew well zAlmost 1 in 3 (32.5%) -- perpetrators were friends with the victim zMore than 1 in 5 (23.2%) -- perpetrators were strangers to the victim zAbout 1 in 5 (21.1%) -- perpetrators were family members of the victim

12 CSOM Long Version: Section 112 Location of Sexual Abuse (National Survey of Adolescents)  30.5% in the victim’s home z 23.8% in the victim’s neighborhood z 15.4% at the victim’s school

13 CSOM Long Version: Section 113 Reporting of Sexual Abuse (National Survey of Adolescents)  86% NOT reported to the authorities z 13% reported to police z 5.8% reported to child protective services z 5% reported to school authorities z 1.3% reported to other authorities * Some cases were reported to more than one authority.

14 CSOM Long Version: Section 114 Consequences of Sexual Assault for Victims zProstitution zPsychiatric problems zHomelessness zHIV (Rape in America, 1992) z Eating disorders z Suicide z Substance Abuse z Self-Esteem Problems z Teen pregnancy

15 CSOM Long Version: Section 115 Sexual Assault and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (National Survey of Adolescents)

16 CSOM Long Version: Section 116 Initial Mental Health Effects of Child Sexual Abuse zFear zAnxiety zLow self-esteem zDepression zAnger and hostility zSexual behavior problems zAggressive/ delinquent behavior From Saunders, (1999). zSubstance use/ abuse/dependency zImpaired social functioning zDistorted cognitive schemata zImpaired affective processing

17 CSOM Long Version: Section 117 Long-Term Mental Health Effects of Child Sexual Abuse zSexual disorders zPTSD zDepression zSuicidal ideation and attempts zAnxiety disorders zSubstance use/ abuse/dependency zSomatic complaints From Saunders, (1999). zPersonality disorders zDissociative disorders zLow self-esteem zImpaired social relationships zIncreased vulnerability to other victimizations and traumatic experiences

18 CSOM Long Version: Section 118 Range of Victim Responses zFear zAnger zGuilt zShame zAmbivalence zBoundary Issues

19 CSOM Long Version: Section 119 Victims’ Major Needs: Research Findings zInformation zBeing believed zNot being blamed

20 CSOM Long Version: Section 120 Victims’ Major Needs: Practical Applications zSafety and security zVentilation and validation zPrediction and Preparation zInformation and Education

21 CSOM Long Version: Section 121 Core Victims’ Rights: Notification z63 possible points of notification (National Center for Victims of Crime) zConfidentiality of victims’ requests for notification zUse of automation combined with the “human touch” for sexual assault victims

22 CSOM Long Version: Section 122 Core Victims’ Rights: Restitution zFirst priority of fines, fees, and penalties zRestitution is key to accountability zWhen the issue about “the offender’s ability to pay” is raised, “the victim’s ability to pay” must also be raised zProviding assistance to victims in documenting short/long-term losses zSanctions for non-payment

23 CSOM Long Version: Section 123 Core Victims’ Rights: Protection zVictims may not always express safety concerns -- you need to ask! zOffer all protective measures that apply zMake sure victims have a 24/7 contact for any safety concerns zRemember that victim information and notification contribute to victim safety!

24 CSOM Long Version: Section 124 Core Victims’ Rights: Input zVictim impact statements that offer insights into financial, emotional and physical losses zUse of VIS and discussions with victims for offender case planning zContinued opportunities for victim input is essential to victim safety and offender rehabilitation!

25 CSOM Long Version: Section 125 Collaborative Approaches zVictim advisory councils zFocus groups of victims/service providers zTraining and cross-training zConsistent information and referral zChanging program evaluation and performance measures to reflect victim concerns zVictim/offender programming (with extreme caution!)

26 CSOM Long Version: Section 126 What is a Sex Offense? zAny sexual behavior with a child or with a non-consenting adult zPenetration, contact, or non-contact behaviors zSome pornography-related activities

27 CSOM Long Version: Section 127 Overview of Sex Offenders zAll socioeconomic, racial, ethnic groups zMajority don’t present as “typical” criminal

28 CSOM Long Version: Section 128 Overview of Sex Offenders (cont.) zTypically high school graduates zMore likely to be employed zScore low risk on traditional scales zDo not “age out” of sex offending behavior zOnly 4% have severe mental illness (Adult Sex Offenders in Oregon, 1994; D’amora, 1999)

29 CSOM Long Version: Section 129 Offense Cycle zSex offenses are planned zCulmination of a series of events zOffending behaviors are rationalized

30 CSOM Long Version: Section 130 Typology of Sex Offenders zChild Molesters yFixated/Pedophile yRegressed/Situational zRapists yAnger yPower ySadistic zNon-contact offenders: Not included (e.g., voyeurs and exhibitionists) (Groth, 1979)

31 CSOM Long Version: Section 131 Statistics on “Cross-over” zIn one recent study, among sex offenders in this group: y25.7% assaulted both genders, and y50.0% crossed over juvenile/adult. (English, 1998)

32 CSOM Long Version: Section 132 Challenges to Sex Offender Supervision zVictims assaulted in familiar places by individual they know zOffenders being supervised in same community where victim lives zOffense patterns characterized by secrecy, deceit, repetitiveness, and extreme trauma to victims zCross-over offense patterns zFragmented response and service systems

33 CSOM Long Version: Section 133 Emerging Sex Offender Supervision Practices zShared, consistent philosophy, and strategy zPrimary concern for victim safety and recovery zPrevention of future victimization zSex offenders held accountable for their actions

34 CSOM Long Version: Section 134 Emerging Sex Offender Supervision Practices (cont.) zSome offenders can be managed safely and some cannot. zA collaborative effort involving: ySupervision and treatment providers, yVictim advocates and polygraph examiners, yAll agencies with responsibility for sex offender management.

35 CSOM Long Version: Section 135 Collaboration... zImproves communication zAllows for quicker, less intrusive responses to victims zPromotes the exchange of ideas among disciplines zFacilitates sharing of information zImproves problem solving zProvides on-going support zIncreases understanding zFosters a unified and comprehensive approach

36 CSOM Long Version: Section 136 Emerging Sex Offender Supervision Practices (cont.) zTraditional methods may not apply zInformed and consistent public policy zIncludes evaluation and monitoring

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