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Environmental Sustainability Analysis of Biodiesel Production - A Comparative Analysis of Different Production Schemes. I.T. Herrmann, Hauschild M., and.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Sustainability Analysis of Biodiesel Production - A Comparative Analysis of Different Production Schemes. I.T. Herrmann, Hauschild M., and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Sustainability Analysis of Biodiesel Production - A Comparative Analysis of Different Production Schemes. I.T. Herrmann, Hauschild M., and Birkved M. - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. - Section for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment. May 4, 2009

2 4. May 2009Biodiesel2DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Agenda 1.Introduction - Sustainability 2.Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 3.LCA Model of Biodiesel 4.Method 5.Results 6.Discussion and Outlook

3 4. May 2009Biodiesel3DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 1. Introduction - Sustainability Environmental Economic Social Environmental EconomicSocial Sustainability

4 4. May 2009Biodiesel4DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 2a. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Stepwise procedure ISO Standard – 14040 and 14044 1.Build model - process tree/product chain 2.Inventory - Collecting data of physical quantities of input and output from each process 3.Impact Assessment – e.g.: a.Global Warming b.Acidification c.Ecotoxicity, etc. Materials and Components Manufacturing Use and Maintaining Recycle and Disposal

5 4. May 2009Biodiesel5DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 2b. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Functional Unit: or Efficiency of Different Fuels* - Delivered at Shaft Type of FuelEnergyUnitRelative Petrol11.5MJ/Liter73% Diesel Oil15.8MJ/Liter100% Biodiesel15.0MJ/Liter95% Ethanol7.9MJ/Liter50% * Source – Danish Technological Institute, 2006 Person Equivalent (PE). Impact per functional unit divided with “background reference”. E.g. total greenhouse gas emissions in 1994 translated into CO2-equivalents and divided with the global population number in the same year.

6 4. May 2009Biodiesel6DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 3. LCA Model of Rape Seed Oil Biodiesel Production Seeds Pesticide Fertilisers Machine Power Seed pro. Energy Biodiesel production Energy Fuel Electricity from Grid Coal Water Fuel Energy Minerals Chemicals Energy Rape seed production T Rape seed oil Chemicals (Methanol and sodiummethylat) Minerals Combusti on with energy recovery T (Transportation) T BD Glycerine (Avoided) Waste Natural Gas Fuel Oil Diesel Oil T T Natural Gas Coal

7 4. May 2009Biodiesel7DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 4. Method Using “SimaPro” Program. For this initial analysis we have used the “Ecoinvent” database and a few data from the our stakeholders. For life cycle impact assessment we have used the EDIP97 method with the normalization reference year 1994.

8 4. May 2009Biodiesel8DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 5a. Results Enzym – FAME Enzym - FAEE Conv - FAEE Conv – FAME

9 4. May 2009Biodiesel9DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 5b. Results – Where does it originate from? The overall major source contributing to the “Ecotoxicity Water Chronic” Impact Category is the Rape Seed Oil production – contributing with 2.4 PE in the conventional rape seed FAEE production. The overall major source contributing to the “Human Toxicity Soil” Impact Category is the Rape Seed Oil production – contributing with 2.1 PE in the conventional rape seed FAEE production. From the impact assessment results it is possible to track the impacts back to the substances in the inventory list that contribute the most to the two Impact Categories: Ecotoxicity Water ChronicHuman Toxicity Soil Hexane0.89PEBenzene0.63PE Strontium0.68PEIron0.49PE Cadmium, Ion0.42PEChromium0.25PE Copper, Ion0.15PEArsenic0.23PE Iron, Ion0.09PE

10 4. May 2009Biodiesel10DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 6. Discussion and Outlook Main source of difference Data uncertainties Uncertainties of final results Improved model More accurate data Different methods

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