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WWII The War in the Pacific. Japan and the Western World Trade between U.S. and Shanghai –Needed a place to refuel Bonin Islands “No Man’s Land” Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII The War in the Pacific. Japan and the Western World Trade between U.S. and Shanghai –Needed a place to refuel Bonin Islands “No Man’s Land” Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII The War in the Pacific

2 Japan and the Western World Trade between U.S. and Shanghai –Needed a place to refuel Bonin Islands “No Man’s Land” Japan extremely isolationist Japan as the land of the gods

3 Japanese Contact Emperor- no power, military dictators Christian missionaries (white devils) Commodore Perry –Fri, July 8, 1853 enters Tokyo Bay –Might = right

4 Spirit War Russo-Japanese War Japanese spirit would protect them –Spirit warriors –Molded the future Emperor Hirohito

5 Spirit Warriors The making of a spirit warrior –No fear of death –Never be taken alive –Never retreat, never surrender –Brutality –Blind obedience

6 The 3 rd Dimension Billy Mitchell –WWI experience –Called for the Air force and to consolidate the 3 arms under DOD –Prediction of air battles –Public proof –Warned of an attack in 1923 –Attempts to discredit –Court Martial

7 The Rape of China Predicted a 3 month war, lasted 8 years Chinese leaders –Chaing-Kai-Shek –Mao Tse-Tung 3 all’s –Kill all –Loot All –Burn All

8 Rape of China Japan never declared war on China Acquiring the fighting spirit –Dehumanize the enemy 30 million Chinese deaths Rape of Nanking –6 week period of murder and rape. @ 340,000

9 Rape of Nanking



12 Rape of China Beheadings and rapes Military comfort women –20,000: 700,000 or 1:35 –Less than 10% survived

13 Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941 –18 ships, 350 planes, 2,400 killed (1500 on the USS Arizona) –Japan lost only 29 planes –Left @ 9:30 a.m. –Also attacks the Philippines the same day

14 Pearl Harbor

15 U.S. Retaliates Doolittle Raids –April 18, 1942 –16 B-29 bombers –Target Tokyo –Strong headwinds –Firebombs –Japanese reprisals against China, 250,000 killed in 3 months –Proved vulnerability

16 Iwo Jima

17 Japan Curtis LaMay’s new strategy Firebombing March 9- 10, 1945 –334 B-29’s stripped down –8519 bomb clusters, 500 lbs each 496,000 6.2 lb napalm bombs

18 Were used primarily in the Pacific part of the war. The Japanese could not decipher the codes used by the Navajos. This allowed the U.S. to have a leg up in communications. About 400 Code Talkers were used in the war. Here’s a little secret, they weren’t talking in code. They were just speaking their native language and the Japanese couldn’t figure it out. Navajo Code Talkers

19 Atomic Bombs Atom Bomb Aug. 6, 1945 Hiroshima (“Little Boy”) –140,000 killed Aug. 9, 1945 Nagasaki (“Fat Man”) –70,000 killed

20 August 6, 1945 Enola Gay dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima and 80,000 people were gone instantly. Another 80,000 would die over the next few weeks due to exposure. Hiroshima had a large army base and many factories that supported the war effort. That is why it was chosen. Japan had no idea what had happened after we dropped the bomb. Hiroshima



23 August 9, 1945 Bockscar dropped Fat Man and killed 80,000 people. The city was an important port town and was a vital post to providing for the Navy. Japan had figure out by now what happened with Hiroshima and now saw it again with Nagasaki. They were getting nervous and we told them there were plenty more where that came from, which was a half truth. Nagasaki


25 Map

26 The War Ends VJ-Day Aug. 15, 1945 Sept.2, 1945 Japan formally surrenders

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