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Staying Safe on Campus. Community Concerns We all have responsibility! Be on the lookout for: –Propped doors –Hate/bias incidents –Strangers –Slippery.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Safe on Campus. Community Concerns We all have responsibility! Be on the lookout for: –Propped doors –Hate/bias incidents –Strangers –Slippery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Safe on Campus

2 Community Concerns We all have responsibility! Be on the lookout for: –Propped doors –Hate/bias incidents –Strangers –Slippery floors –Water leaks –Broken glass –Burned out lights –Missing window screens –Emergency equipment not working

3 Reporting Incidents Who, What, Where, Why, When & How Stay objective Keep things in chronological order Describe permanent people features Note the size, shape and color of things Write down identifying characteristics (license plate #, smells, etc.)

4 Safety in Your Own Space Your room Your apartment Parking lots Isolated areas And what about when you lose your room key/card??

5 Being Your Own Safety Advocate Think about strategies for coping with… The element of surprise Being followed Walking around Stalkers Threats

6 Keeping Your Stuff Safe Laptops Book bags Bikes Valuables Cash Textbooks Big-ticket items

7 Date Rape & Sexual Assault Don’t be alone with someone you just met Say “no” and listen to “no” Keep a level head Be aware of date rape drugs Make sure your whole group is accounted for Trust your instincts

8 Alcohol & Other Drugs Getting help Prescription meds Club drugs Fire situations Impaired driving Date rape drugs When others are impaired

9 In Crisis Mode Campus Threats –Listen to staff- Have a healthy suspicion –Take seriously- Don’t make “jokes” Natural Disasters - Follow evacuation procedures - Work with staff- Help others stay calm Fires –Know emergency exits and equipment locations –Steer clear of illegal items and actions –Heed the alarm!

10 Tech Threats Identity theft Stalking via technology Meeting online friends Illegal file sharing Tech theft Social media safety

11 Being Prepared Do You Know… Public safety’s phone #? Off-campus contacts? Res life duty how-to? Fire pull box & extinguisher locations? Emergency phone locations? Hall front desk #? What emergency exits to use? How campus emergency alerts work?

12 Crisis Considerations If a friend seems ill, intoxicated or drugged, get help immediately. Don’t worry about her “getting in trouble.” Her health and safety need to be your #1 concern. Stay as calm as possible in crisis situations. Quick, clear- headed thinking can make all the difference. Don’t hamper the efforts of medical or emergency personnel. Get out of the way and help with crowd control, if staff members ask you to. If someone is bleeding, apply pressure and ask someone else to get medical help immediately.

13 Crisis Considerations (continued) Don’t transport anyone to the hospital! Most of us aren’t medically trained and could do more harm than good by moving an injured person. Ambulance personnel can work on your friend en route – they know what they’re doing. Listen to trained staff and don’t second-guess their directives. They know what they’re doing and have your best interests at heart. Arguing in the midst of crisis does no one any good. Don’t play the hero by stepping into a heated situation. Chances are you’ll get hurt and make the situation worse. Instead, get help from residence life staff, public safety and other trained personnel so things can be handled safely, quickly and effectively.

14 Staying Safe Not invincible Responsible for others AND yourself We often make poor choices when impaired Easy ways to stay safe It can start right now!

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