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Crimes against the person-assault and sexual offences.

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Presentation on theme: "Crimes against the person-assault and sexual offences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crimes against the person-assault and sexual offences

2 Assault is an example of a crime against the person Rape, incest and indecent assault are examples of crimes against the person of a sexual nature

3 Assault Defined in the Crimes Act 1958 as the direct or indirect application of force by a person to the body, clothing or equipment of another person, where the application of force was: Unlawful Intentionally or recklessly resulted in bodily injury, pain, discomfort, damage, insult or deprivation of liberty

4 Threatening to use force is also assault (indirect application of force) As is the physical contact (which is the direct application of force). The maximum penalty for assault is 5 years imprisonment

5 Incest This is a worldwide problem An estimate of one in four families is incestuous Incest is sexual intercourse between people who are closely related Having sex with a brother, sister, mother, uncle, father or grandfather is called incest Someone who takes part in an act of sexual penetration with a person he or she knows to be his or her step-child is also guilty of incest

6 Penalty for incest The penalty imposed under the Crimes Act 1958 for sexual penetration of a daughter or son or step-child is imprisonment for a maximum period of 25 years-this is the same as for murder! Under the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 (Vic.) people who commit certain sexual offences are listed on the Victorian sex offenders register

7 Indecent assault This is widely defined as assaulting a person in indecent circumstances without their consent The person committing indecent assault must be aware that the person is not consenting or might not be consenting This covers actions such as touching a person’s breasts, bottom or genitals, but it can also be expanded to include making someone watch indecent images such as pornography or masturbation This carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment

8 Rape Rape is intentionally sexually penetrating another person without that person’s consent or failing to withdraw from a person on becoming aware that the person is not consenting or might not be consenting The Crimes Act 1958 defines penetration as the introduction of a penis, vagina, anus or mouth, or introduction of an object or a part of the body (other than the penis) into the vagina or anus of another person This means that a woman can be charged with raping a man or another woman, and a man can be charged with raping another mas as well as a woman

9 Consent Consent is the crucial element in rape The offender must be aware that the person is not consenting or might not be consenting, or may not even give any thought as to whether consent is present A person cannot be said to have consented to sexual activity if that person does so in fear or without consent because he or she is asleep, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, did not understand the sexual nature of the offence, or thought it was for medical or hygiene reasons The maximum penalty for rape is 25 years


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