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Abstinence means avoiding sexual intercourse –Oral sex –Vaginal sex –Anal sex –Any activity that involves skin-to-skin contact in the genital area 100%

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Presentation on theme: "Abstinence means avoiding sexual intercourse –Oral sex –Vaginal sex –Anal sex –Any activity that involves skin-to-skin contact in the genital area 100%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstinence means avoiding sexual intercourse –Oral sex –Vaginal sex –Anal sex –Any activity that involves skin-to-skin contact in the genital area 100% effective in preventing pregnancy & sexual transmission of STI’s Abstinence

2 Reasons For Choosing Abstinence: Moral/Religious reasons (belief that you should wait until marriage) To avoid STI’s To avoid pregnancy (only method that is 100% effective) Psychological/emotional reasons Postponing is a test of love

3 How Will I Know When I’m Ready? Ask yourself: –Is this what I want? Or am I doing it to please someone else? –Can I talk to my partner about sex? Does my partner care what I think? –Will having sex now make my life better or worse? –Would I feel embarrassed or ashamed if other people knew I was having sex? –Do I know how to protect myself & my partner from STI’s and pregnancy? –How will I feel if we have sex and then break up?

4 “It would be better to lose someone who is constantly pressuring you to have sex than to regret doing it.” Quotes From Teens

5 You’re Not Ready For Sex If… You feel pressured You think it is going to improve a relationship You think everyone else is doing it Your partner isn’t ready You can’t talk about it with your partner You don’t have a way to protect yourself from STI’s and pregnancy You need to get drunk or stoned to do it Your partner needs to get drunk or stoned to do it

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