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 Narrator and Voice p.149 Omniscient First-person narrator Third-person-limited point of view Tone Voice.

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Presentation on theme: " Narrator and Voice p.149 Omniscient First-person narrator Third-person-limited point of view Tone Voice."— Presentation transcript:

1  Narrator and Voice p.149 Omniscient First-person narrator Third-person-limited point of view Tone Voice

2  Narrator Omniscient (Fill in red title) DefinitionLanguage Used Definition First- person (Fill in red title) Third-person- limited (Fill in red title) DefinitionLanguage Used

3  Narrator Omniscient “The All-Knowing Storyteller” -narrator is not in the story -never refers to himself or herself directly -tells the reader everything about everyone -The young woman -looked out of her window -saw a man playing a saxophone -”cool” she thought -swayed to the tune The man in pjs -yelled, complained -woke up -he worked the night shift -slept all day -liked cats -I’ve already… -I was finally… -Just as I was… -I don’t know what sounds --I’m going to call.. -aka persona - “I” is used -we know only what one character thinks/feels/acts and what they choose to reveal -can be credible or unreliable First- person “I as the storyteller” Third-person-limited “Focus on One character” -focuses on only one character’s thoughts/feeling s/actions -uses he or she - -He found a good spot -He started playing -He spotted a cute --He heard a man

4  Write a summary: “__________” by _________ describes__ ______,________,________. ___________ ___(interprets, explains, determines, details, represents, translates, specifies) __________as __________. An example of words(language) used are:______________. (continue with other definitions and examples) ______________are significant because___________________.

5  Ticket-Out-The-Door Write three sentences using the different points of view: 1. omniscient- 2. first-person- 3. third-person-limited-

6  WORD OF THE DAY #30 Beckon [bek-uhn] v. Gesture or signal to request someone to approach or follow Lure, coax, entice, sign

7  “The Interlopers”- Narrator 1. What do we know about the characters (list feeling/thoughts/actions)? 2. What type of language (words) are being used in the story? 3. Who is revealing the character(s)?

8  WORD OF THE DAY #31 Beguile [bih-gahyl] v. To charm, deceive Betray, bluff, con, dupe

9  WORD OF THE DAY #32 Beleaguer [bih- lee-ger ] v. To surround and attack Blockade, persecute

10  “The Cask of Amontillado” Questions (1-5) p. 174-179 1. The narrator’s smiling portrays that he is intensely vindictive and is filled with hatred for Fortunato. 2. The narrator plays on Fortunato's competitive nature on his vanity about his wine expertise. This strategy conveys the narrator has pinpointed Furtunato’s weaknesses and is a shrewd manipulator. 3

11  “The Cask of Amontillado” Questions (1-5) p. 174-179 3. Montresor may be planning to kill Fortunato and to bury the body in concrete. He has carefully planned and prepared for the day he would lure Fortunato into the catacombs. 4. Montresor is happy to hear Fortunato's suffering and is satisfied with his vengeance—Is Montresor sane? 3

12  “The Cask of Amontillado” Questions (1-5) p. 174-179 5. Montresor may feel a moment’s remorse or compassion; he has just put a torch in with Fortunato as if offering comfort. Montresor may regret that he can’t torment Fortunato further; the torch, which Fortunato can’t grasp which will use up oxygen in the sealed chamber, may be meant as a final cruel act.

13  WORD OF THE DAY #33 Belligerent [b uh- lij-er-uhnt] adj. Angry, aggressive, ready to start a fight Combative, hostile, antagonistic

14  “The Cask of Amontillado” 1. How would you describe the persona that Poe created for Montresor? Why did he choose him to tell the story? -Montresor is secretive, intense, obsessive, vengeful and possibly insane. Poe wanted to depict a vengeful mind. 2. What character traits in Fortunato make him fall prey to Montresor? -Fortunato is open, easygoing, self-assured and vain. Montresor takes advantage of the last two traits.

15  “The Cask of Amontillado” 3. How would you describe Montresor’s voice and tone in one word (hint: reverse psychology)? - It is ironic. Evidence: 4.Is Montresor an unreliable or credible character? Show with evidence. (NEXT SLIDE)

16  “The Cask of Amontillado” Unreliable or Credible Character? A. Narrator’s opening sentence. Is it an over- reaction? Yes, it is an exaggeration. B. Secret scheme for revenge. Is this how most people would react to an insult? No, most people would confront and ask for an apology. C. What does the narrator’s attitude toward his servants reveal about his view of humanity? Reveals he is paranoid and does not trust anyone.

17  “The Cask of Amontillado” Unreliable or Credible Character? D. What is bizarre about the narrator’s reference to Fortunato as his “poor friend”? “poor” represents sympathy or that he cares, “friend” –they are not. E. Why does Montresor profess concern for Fortunato’s health? Tricks him to think he is concerned and does not want Fortunato to be suspicious.

18  “The Cask of Amontillado” Unreliable or Credible Character? F. What is ironic about Montresor’s reference to Fortunato as noble? He made it clear that he does not consider Fortunato noble and he does not treat him in a noble manner.

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