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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Legislation strengthens top priorities for Iowa farmers and consumers, includes significant reforms in agricultural and food.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Legislation strengthens top priorities for Iowa farmers and consumers, includes significant reforms in agricultural and food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Legislation strengthens top priorities for Iowa farmers and consumers, includes significant reforms in agricultural and food policy WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), a senior member and former Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, today issued the following statement after the U.S. Senate approved the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act, the 2012 farm bill, by a vote of    This is the eighth farm bill Senator Harkin has worked on since becoming a member of Congress. “The bill reflects compromises, though, and I regret that it reduces funding for farm conservation programs and nutrition assistance to low- income Americans.  Those spending reductions are the consequence of our present federal budget circumstances.  We must take care not to deny essential federal support and investments in our nation’s priorities in food, agriculture, conservation, energy, and rural economic development.”   Studying the earth Cultivation of the land Development of towns and cities Conservation programs State budget eliminates $10 billion deficit, includes sweeping reforms and efficiencies Albany, NY (March 31, 2011) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the passage of the budget that eliminates a $10 billion deficit. The budget includes historic reforms that redesign state government, create efficiencies through consolidation, cap spending increases for education and Medicaid, and transform the future budgeting process. The approximately $132.5 billion budget reduces spending overall by more than 2 percent from the previous year, eliminates 3,700 prison beds, establishes Regional Economic Development Councils, brings performance funding to education, redesigns Medicaid, and caps next year's education and Medicaid spending. consolidate establish do again eliminate

2 Daily Learning Target I can defend, through analysis of the text, that Santiago follows the hero’s journey. I can determine if a character is a foil character.

3 FOIL Group Review List three ways in which Santiago and the Crystal Merchant are FOILS. Support with evidence from the text. Pick two foil characters in literature or a movie and explain why the characters are foils of one another.

4 Finish reading to the star on page 79.
The Alchemist Finish reading to the star on page 79.

5 Questions Specific words themselves also carry deep meaning. The crystal merchant introduces Santiago to the Arabic word maktub; this word loosely translates into "it is written," and is mentioned at important moments in the story. The word carries the connotation that in every situation or action there is a hand of fate involved. Why do you think the Crystal Merchant speaks this word when he and Santiago part ways on page 61? The Englishman, whom Santiago meets when he joins the caravan to the Egyptian pyramids, is—like Santiago—joining the caravan as part of a quest. What is the Englishman searching for? What type of characters are Santiago and the Englishmen? (remember yesterday) Based on the conversation between Santiago and the Englishman on page 79, does it appear that the two have anything to learn from each other?

6 Exit Slip According to the hero’s journey, where is Santiago at this point in the book?

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