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PowerEd Writing © 2007 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Format Following this format will help organize your essay and make it easy for the reader to follow.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerEd Writing © 2007 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Format Following this format will help organize your essay and make it easy for the reader to follow."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerEd Writing © 2007 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Format Following this format will help organize your essay and make it easy for the reader to follow your thoughts. Write On! Logical & Effective

2 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Paragraph 1 – Introduction General Quote Transition and explanation Tie-in to prompt Thesis statement with 3 clear reasons, including one character trait Write On!

3 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 1 Famed journalist Howard Cossell once stated that “Sports is the toy department of human life.” Basically, the variety of sports available for all of us to play is as diverse and entertaining as a toy store. Though there are many options for individual and team sports, tennis is most definitely the activity I enjoy the most. Tennis is my favorite sport to play because I benefit not only from the time management skills and daily exercise, but it also provides me a great way to develop my hand-eye coordination. Intro Tie-in to prompt Thesis Statement Transition & Explanation

4 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Paragraph 2 – First Point Begin with a transition and your first reason from thesis statement Example Transitions: – To begin with, – In the first place, Follow up with 3 solid sentences to support your reason – Use a quote, example, or statistic End with a justifier sentence (restate the main idea of the paragraph) – Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Write On!

5 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 2 Initially, I fully enjoy playing tennis after school because it gives me the opportunity to incorporate time management skills in everyday life. As a young adult, I am usually overloaded with assignments and projects from school and chores at home. In addition, I have the responsibility to be punctual to every practice. Recent studies have shown that five out of every six children from eight to sixteen years of age who participate in after school activities have developed better time management skills as a result. Having the pressure to get more things done in a day pushes a child’s limits further so that they get a better sense of time. Indeed, tennis is beneficial to me because it has taught me time management. Transition Statistic Justifier TransitionJustifier sentence Restate 1 st reason from thesis

6 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Paragraph 3 – Second Point Begin with a transition and your second reason from thesis statement Example Transitions: – Additionally, – Equally important, Follow up with 3 solid sentences to support your reason – Use a quote, example, or statistic End with a justifier sentence (restate the main idea of the paragraph) – Use a justifier transition such as: Clearly, Write On!

7 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 3 Equally important, tennis represents an amazing activity because it allows me to acquire great hand-eye coordination. With a racquet in one hand and my eyes stalking the ball like a cheetah, my brain learns to move around precisely and efficiently without having to think too much. Just as my coach says, “Don’t think; just do.” In other words, focus on nothing but the ball. Obviously, tennis is a great activity for developing hand-eye coordination. Transition Quote Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Restate 2 nd reason from thesis

8 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Paragraph 4 – Third Point Begin with a transition and your third reason from thesis statement Example Transitions: – Of course, – Furthermore, Follow up with 3 solid sentences to support your reason – Use a quote, example, or statistic End with a justifier sentence (restate the main idea of the paragraph) – Use a justifier transition such as: Thus, Write On!

9 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 4 Furthermore, tennis symbolizes an enjoyable activity because it is an opportunity to get daily exercise through an entertaining game. In the book Racquet Power by May E. Furmin, the author illustrated how amazing tennis can be as a source of exercise. A simple game of tennis exercises muscles from the entire body: legs, arms, back, neck, chest, and stomach. Unlike a regular work-out which may focus on only one or two muscle groups, tennis allows the entire body to release energy through games and fun. Clearly, tennis is an outstanding after-school activity because it provides a great source for daily exercise. Transition Example Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Restate 3 rd reason from thesis

10 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Paragraph 5 – Conclusion Re-state thesis in 2+ sentences Tie-back to hook from intro Complete introduction Write On!

11 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 5 In summation, tennis symbolizes an excellent activity to participate in after school. Building hand-eye coordination, time management, and keeping in shape are only the most important reasons I participate in tennis. Tennis is definitely my sport of choice, but I have to agree with Cossell. The immense variety of sports we can play truly represents the playroom of our lives. Conclude Tie-back to intro RestateThesis Statement Sample Essay written by Lauren

12 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Here’s another example! This essay written by Christian begins using a general statement in the introduction. Write On!

13 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 1 Having a curfew for all children under the age of sixteen requiring them to be inside their homes before 8:00 p.m. is a great idea. First, the mayor should keep the 8:00 p.m. curfew because it keeps children safe. Next, it give parents the reassurance that their kids are where they are supposed to be. Finally, it will stop problems caused by young drivers who are out at night. General Statement Time Order Transitions 3 Detail Statements Sample Essay written by Christian

14 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 2 To begin with, the curfew should be kept because it keeps children safe. Studies show that 87% of fights and child abuse occurs past 8:00 p.m. Many terrible people are out at night in search of children to harm. If a curfew is set for kids not to be out alone without parents, then a majority of the child abuse will be obliterated. It also lets kids know that they will be okay at night, and not have to worry. Obviously, an 8:00 p.m. curfew will keep children safer at night. Transition Statistic Justifier Transition Justifier sentence - persuasive Restate 1 st detail statement Sample Essay written by Christian

15 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 3 Furthermore, the curfew would let parents know their children are going to be okay. For example, if your child is not at home by 8:00 p.m. after being out in the late afternoon, then you would know that something is definitely wrong. Giving them a curfew would also mean that they will be home earlier. Then the parents won’t have to commiserate when something happens to their beloved children. Clearly, the curfew will help parents not stress out at night waiting for their children to come home after they’ve been waiting long hours. Transition Example Justifier Transition Justifier sentence - persuasive Restate 2 nd detail statement Sample Essay written by Christian

16 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 4 Finally, having a curfew will stop accidents and problems caused by young drivers at night. As my grandma always said, “Young kids don’t have any business driving around late at night.” Giving young drivers a curfew will stop them from doing puerile or puckish act that they will regret for the rest of their lives. Most of the drunk driving accidents are usually caused because young drivers feel like it’s cool to drink, and then, through an egregious idea, drive home like they didn’t do absolutely anything wrong. If a curfew like this is set, then young men who have just received their license will know that they have to get home soon and have less time to get into trouble. Thus, having an 8:00 p.m. curfew will stop most of the young driver accidents and keep the streets safer at night. Transition Quote Justifier Transition Justifier sentence - persuasive Restate 3 rd detail statement Sample Essay written by Christian

17 PowerEd Writing © 2007 Example of Paragraph 5 To conclude, the underage curfew should be enacted because it will keep children safe, let parents know where their children are, and will stop accidents caused by young drivers from occurring. I guess my grandma was right. Kids definitely should not be out too late. Having an 8:00 p.m. curfew is a great idea and should be used in every town in the world to keep kids safe! Conclude Tie-back to supporting detail Thesis Statement Sample Essay written by Christian

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