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Team Impact Intelligent Helmet Impact System Critical Design Review February 28 th, 2008 Amanda Brodbeck Wei-Chu Liao Wei-Shen Liao Chris Mintle.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Impact Intelligent Helmet Impact System Critical Design Review February 28 th, 2008 Amanda Brodbeck Wei-Chu Liao Wei-Shen Liao Chris Mintle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Impact Intelligent Helmet Impact System Critical Design Review February 28 th, 2008 Amanda Brodbeck Wei-Chu Liao Wei-Shen Liao Chris Mintle

2 Wei-Chu Liao aka Tom Chief Technical Officer

3 Project Statement Design and prototype an intelligent helmet that wirelessly transmits real time sensor data for collection and processing by a base station.

4 System Diagram LabVIEW GUI SPI Analog

5 Design Revisions Modification compare to previous design: Temporary accelerometer change 30 m indoor wireless transmission range

6 Hardware Flow Diagram

7 Schematic

8 USB to UART Single chip USB to UART Bridge (CP2103) UART emulator Drivers provided Mini-USB connector

9 USB Schematic

10 Oscillators SMD Very small profile 8 MHz for MSP430 16 MHz for nRF

11 Oscillator Schematic

12 Chris Mintle Chief Engineering Officer

13 Accelerometers ADXL321 –Operating voltage 3.3V –Quiescent supply current of 0.49 mA –Dual axis –Medium impact (+/- 18g) Voltage divider is going to be needed later on

14 Accelerometer Schematic

15 uController TI MSP430F169 –Requires 3.3V –600uA Max current draw in active mode –Multi power mode capability –8MHz external crystal oscillator –Port 1 debugging LEDs –Port 3 UART for LabVIEW interface –Port 5 SPI/transceiver communication –Port 6 A/D from accelerometer

16 uC Schematic

17 Transceiver Nordic nRF24L01 –Requires 3.3V –11.3mA TX /12.3mA RX –2Mbit/s data rate –4 wire SPI interface –2.4 GHz transceiver Surface antenna –Etched on to board –Range to be tested

18 Transceiver Schematic

19 Timing Diagram

20 Timing Diagram (cont.) MOSI MISO CLK CE CSN

21 Power System Voltage regulator (LM1117) – 5V and 3.3V available on board Goal is to have base station powered through USB –USB can supply up 100mA Helmet will be powered by battery. TBD

22 Power System Schematic

23 PCB

24 Amanda Brodbeck Chief Strategy Officer

25 General Software Diagram

26 MSP Configuration Ports Timing Power Modes Sampling DMA Master/Slave Interrupts

27 SPI Interface to transceiver –Configure transceiver –Data handling –Interrupts

28 Sampling A/D timing/sampling DMA Handler Multiple inputs

29 UART Transmit data to computer for processing and display –TX/RX –Baud rate

30 Computer Software LabVIEW –Processing data Convert signal into meaningful data –Displaying data on GUI Mini USB drivers

31 Wei-Shen Liao aka Ben Chief Financial Officer

32 Division of Labor MemberTasks and Responsibilities Amanda BrodbeckLabVIEW GUI and UART. Wei-Chu LiaoSPI, Transceiver, DMA, and USB interface Wei-Shen LiaoSampling, data processing, finances, and sensor control. Chris MintleSchematic, PCB layout, SPI, DMA and USB interface EveryoneDebug, Integration of software, Documentation

33 RACI Chart AmandaBenChrisTom Schematic & PCBIARC SPI & TransceiverICAR LabVIEW InterfaceRCCA SensorsIRCA Doc., Debug & Software Integration RRRR R-Responsible A-Accountable C-Consult I-Inform

34 Schedule

35 Milestone I Basic RF link Sensors communicate with microcontroller USB communication with computer Revision 1 of PCB completed and integrated Multi-port sampling

36 Milestone II Basic GUI RF data transfer Flex PCB schematics and layout ready for fabrication Beginning documentation

37 Expo Working prototype –Transmit sensor data between base station and helmet –Process and display data on LabVIEW GUI Documentation completed –User’s manual –Technical reference manual

38 Budget

39 Questions?

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