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Henry Moore Sculptor. Henry Moore (1895-1986) British sculptor known for primitive-looking figure forms Influenced by ancient Mayan-Toltec altar statues.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry Moore Sculptor. Henry Moore (1895-1986) British sculptor known for primitive-looking figure forms Influenced by ancient Mayan-Toltec altar statues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry Moore Sculptor

2 Henry Moore (1895-1986) British sculptor known for primitive-looking figure forms Influenced by ancient Mayan-Toltec altar statues “Reclining Figure” MAQUETTE – a small ‘sketch- like’ model for a larger sculpture Henry Moore

3 Chac-Mool – a Pre-Columbian, MesoAmerican (ancient Mexican) stone altar Henry Moore



6 Henry Moore, Reclining Figure, 1929.

7 “It was the art of ancient Mexico that spoke to me most... I admit clearly and frankly that early Mexican art formed my views of carving as much as anything I could do.” Henry Moore, 1947 Henry Moore

8 Henry Moore, Reclining Figure, 1935-36. Elmwood.

9 Henry Moore, Reclining Figure, 1938. Bronze. (dedicated in Singapore in 1983)

10 Maquettes created by Henry Moore Photos taken by M. Curless

11 From the Art Gallery of Ontario




15 Henry Moore in Berlin

16 Henry Moore Sculpture Examples Two Piece Mirror Knife Edge, 1976-77

17 Three Points, 1939-40

18 Three Standing Figures, 1953

19 Four Piece Reclining Figures

20 Animal Head, 1951

21 Atom Piece, 1964

22 Bird, 1959

23 Double Oval, 1966

24 Draped Reclining Mother and Baby, 1983

25 Figure, 1931

26 Goslar Warrior, 1973-74

27 Head of a Serpent, 1927

28 Helmet Head and Shoulders, 1952

29 Helmet Head No. 1, 1950

30 Hill Arches, 1973

31 Large Spindle Piece, 1974

32 Locking Piece Two, 1963-64

33 Locking Piece, 1963-64

34 Moon Head, 1964

35 Mother and Child, 1983

36 Mother and Child Egg Form, 1977

37 The Arch, 1962-63

38 Helmet Heads More thought that the head was the most expressive part of the human being. Helmet head is a perfect example of Henry Moore’s unique concept of enclosed space. His heads were not portraits but symbols. Moore also opened up his forms so the enclosed space became a vital part of the sculpture.

39 Preliminary Drawings Two Standing Figures, 1963

40 Four Forms Drawing for a Sculpture, 1938

41 Seventeen Reclining Figures Studies, 1963-69

42 Artists Hands, 1974

43 Artists Hands Holding Bone, 1981

44 “Drawing from life enlarges the vocabulary”

45 Tube Shelter Drawings During WWII, Moore did a series of sketches. These shelter drawings captured English heroism during the war; they became very popular. Tube Shelterers, 1941. Chalk, pen, watercolor

46 Family Group Drawing, 1944

47 Figures in Settings and Sculptural Ideas, 1949

48 Ideas for Carvings, 1980

49 Reclining Figure, 1976

50 Studies for Sculptures, 1967

51 Reclining Figure Sunset Drawing, 1978

52 Two Reclining Figures Drawing, 1961

53 Moore in Studio, 1971

54 Student Sketches Create thumbnails of sculptures in your sketchbook Use Henry Moore’s sculptures for inspiration

55 Henry Moore Plaster Carving

56 Henry Moore Sculptor Source:

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