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` RULE CHANGES RULE CHANGES 2013-2017. 2013-2017 Rule Change Summary Youth, Girls'/Women's and Adults.

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Presentation on theme: "` RULE CHANGES RULE CHANGES 2013-2017. 2013-2017 Rule Change Summary Youth, Girls'/Women's and Adults."— Presentation transcript:


2 2013-2017 Rule Change Summary Youth, Girls'/Women's and Adults

3 2013-2017 General Format and Housekeeping Portions of the Rule Book has been edited for grammar and redundancy in an effort to provide for more logical flow and to make it easier to read. –Some rules moved to different rule numbers, but with no 'real' change to the rules content itself. Not all changes addressed in this module. Several Casebook situations have also been updated for your knowledge base.

4 2013-2017 Standard of Play and Points of Emphasis Changes for 2013-2017 are minimal in number. The term 'Body Contact' incorporated to identify games played in non-checking classifications. Std of Play Pts. Of Em.

5 2013-2017 Section One -- The Rink 101-107 Simplifies language pertaining to rink requirements as needed to play the game. Makes reference to STAR’s USA Hockey Facility Guide as the resource to obtain detailed information and more specific requirements for rink standards and ice markings. Changes affect Rules 101 through 107

6 Teams201(b) Clarifies who may occupy the player's bench.

7 HECC Approved Helmets304(c) HECC non-expired stickers must be present. Per HECC, typical helmet stickers are valid for 6 1/2 years.

8 Electronic Devices308 USA Hockey recognizes using modern technology, but with limitations.

9 Electronic Devices New Situation 3308

10 Electronic Devices New Situation 4308

11 Electronic Devices New Situation 5308

12 Misconduct Penalties 401(a) 601(e)(4) New 601(e)(4) Addition to 401(a)

13 Progressive Suspensions New 411 New rule effective for the 2014-15 season. Recommended for 2013-14 SED implementation under review. Increases game suspensions to a player who receives their third and subsequent major penalties for infractions classified as “Aggressive Infractions” during the same season. Adds suspension to the head coach for a team receiving three major penalties in the same game.

14 Progressive Suspensions - Preview - New 411 Rule Introduction : 4 New Situations in Casebook for your review.

15 Progressive Suspensions and Players New 411 3 Majors / Season => Addn'l 3 games susp. 4 Majors / Season => Addn'l 5 games susp. 5 Majors / Season => USAH Hearing

16 Progressive Suspensions Aggressive Infractions New 411 Aggressive Infractions

17 Progressive Suspensions and Head Coaches New 411 Effects on Head Coaches

18 Penalty Shot Situation406(c) Interpretation to Rule 406(c), which says :

19 Officiating Equipment501(c) Consolidates Official's Equipment discussion to 501(c). Half-shield visor MANDATORY for all officials beginning in 2013-14 season.

20 Officiating Equipment501(c) Half-face shields (visors) must not be tinted

21 Linesman Duties Change503(b) Language removed regarding face-off procedures.

22 Penalty Timekeeper and Penalty Bench507(c) Clarifies who may occupy the penalty bench.

23 Attempt to Injure / Deliberate Injury602(a) Acts upon officials are covered under 601(f)(1). OLD NEW

24 Broken Stick New Situation 10605

25 Boarding603 Penalty options re-defined Minimum = Minor + Misconduct

26 Body Checking / Contact604 Clarifies definitions for Body Checking and Body Contact categories of play.

27 Charging Penalty options re-defined Minimum = Minor + Misconduct Clarifies contact with goalkeepers 607

28 Officials, Pucks, and Goals612(f) Revises wording governing goals scored after striking officials. NEW OLD

29 Fighting and Helmet Removal or Loss615(c) Rule provisions revised

30 Fighting - Helmets and Chinstraps 304(c) 615(c) New Situation 19 (Rule 615) Rule 304(c) also applies

31 Fighting - Major and Match Penalties 403, 405, 615(f) New Situation 20 (Rule 615) Rules 403 and 405 also apply

32 Fighting - Game Management615(e) New Situation 28 (Rule 615)

33 Head Contact620 Penalty options re-defined Minimum = Minor + Misconduct

34 Holding622 Clarifies what 'holding' includes Modifies criteria for Major + Game Misconduct (No injury required)

35 Keeping Puck in Motion; Delaying (?) the Game632(c) Rule 632(c) removed; 632(d) re-numbered

36 Throwing Stick / Object637(c) Rule revised to remove 'deliberately'.

37 Tripping/Clipping/Leg Checking 639(a)(4) 639(b) Language to address 'Slew Footing' added.

38 Goalkeeper Privileged and Warm-Up AreasGlossary Language simply moved from Section One (Rink); no change to definitions


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