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Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Big start to the season. AA/A off and going with only a few scheduling thanks for your patience.

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Presentation on theme: "Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Big start to the season. AA/A off and going with only a few scheduling thanks for your patience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Big start to the season. AA/A off and going with only a few scheduling thanks for your patience. Same with B and Bytown leagues...your patience has been key...and everyone has been super helpful. Lots of positive feedback from coaches at this point Some congratulations: Minor Hockey Appreciation week was in October and two young officials got to meet and skate with NHL crew working Sens game vs. Florida. Well done to Anthony Heinrich and Evan Kung. David Beck and Jimm Cluff for helping out with a very large number of last minute supervisions.

2 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 If you are having trouble with OMS, logging in, or anything else technically, please speak with me Transfers- I’m still waiting for a few...I need them so we can get them to the ODHA office Crests- If you need crests, I don’t have any and they won’t give me any. You need to come to ODMHA hockey office (so UPSTAIRS) between 9am and 7pm Monday to Thursday or Saturday AM and get them Sorry I can do for you. Calendars and OMS log in UP TO DATE please. Log in daily Trades- don’t bug Karen and Brian to try the level up...they are going to ask you to speak to me any way. Save yourself...and just do it. Level 3 upgrade- no date as of late, but have extensive list of interested guys. Hustle for the Cure- Sean Tobin

3 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Down to business Goalie helmets: We visited it this year...but re-emerged. Ruling from ODMHA/ODHA R & S is Recently a goaler in AA Midget hockey was asked to wear a "dangler/billy-goat/cow catcher" as required by ODMHA policy. His father has asked for clarification to the directive as he felt the helmet in question was acceptable without the additional throat protection. The rules clearly state the Type 3 helmet that he was wearing must have a blue CSA sticker. The official of the game was correct in asking him to add the throat protection or be replaced in the net as the helmet had a white sticker. Essentially, through the outstanding efforts of Brent Dick, ODHA Risk and Safety Director, we have learned from Hockey Canada, CSA and Bauer that this helmet is fine. Brent determined the white CSA sticker is Bauer's version of the blue CSA sticker and the helmet still meets the CSA Standard. Given it's the moulded version, with the elongated front offering protection to the throat/neck region, the "dangler/billy-goat/cow catcher" is not required. Brent wanted to remind all of us the goaltender is still required to wear the BNQ certified neck guard. This message is being sent out Branch wide to all officials that the Bauer white CSA sticker is acceptable in lieu of the required blue sticker on Type 3 helmets. Brent will be revisiting the original directive to amend it and Hockey Canada will have to amend their rule book. Thank you, John Reid ODMHA RIC So this is AWESOME as we are all confused. So...look for the stickers, but since Hockey Canada doesn’t have a clue what these things look like, if you can find ANY proof at all (even if you think the coach/kid/parent is BSing you) let it slide. You have done your due diligence...and if kid gets hurt and someone asks, you say you looked for the sticker, it looked appropriate...and I will yell at the parent for NOT PUTTING THE DAMN BILLY GOAT ON HIS SON

4 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Speak out- folks...get it done. If you haven’t done it or have questions...let me know. GIR’s MUST be done within 24 hours. I get calls regarding suspensions and the calls you made...but without a GIR it’s hard to figure stuff out. Game sheets- Please, before you sign and seperate the sheets, ensure that is all FILLED OUT (teams/date/score/rosters etc). It is a legal document, so should there be an accident this is an important thing...and it takes 5 minutes after the game to get it right. News and upcoming events in the district: BCC is the big one...between Boxing Day and Jan 4 th 2011. If you are NOT available, go block off now...schedule will be coming in about 3 weeks time and we will be assigning shortly afterwards. Last year we had 9 rinks play for 3 days lots of games to go around. West End Tournie- Early December...In negotiation with KMHA and Sensplex to get rights to referee stay tuned. Jan 7 th - 9 th - Midget AA tournie at Sensplex where we can grab some extra games. Xmas party- Dec 15 th - Location TBD (likely RA centre)

5 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Supervision report- Supervision is a crucial part of District Mandate. This is only line of work where we take great pride in training our own replacements. To date we have 289 supervisions...we so are ahead of the pace and doing very well. Growing concern that calendars not guys, please go back and make sure done up. New policy for supervisors: If you are assigned games to supervise and you can’t do, please Email or call Director of supervision prior to 48 hours to game time so we can a) replace supervision or b) re- schedule supervision of official. If you do not notify the Director of Supervision 48 hours prior to game time (unless extenuating circumstances) then you are expected to supervise. If you do not supervise the game it is called a “No Show”. 1 st offence- $5 fine 2 nd offence- $10 fine 3 rd Offence- $20 fine + disciplinary hearing All supervision reports are to be done and submitted within 7 days of the game (as per ODMHA supervision memo released last season)

6 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 I’m not trying to penalize guys...but I do want guys to be accountable...and we can all agree just NOT SHOWING UP is unacceptable. Do you want Dir of sup to respond to requests or just do it? Your call Dir of discipline Fines- frankly, too many. No shows...lates...but weird is the ones where you DON’T call to report a missing guy We Need to get you help. Review our policy on late shows in constitution (call 15 min (HL ) and 20 min (comp)

7 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Director of Mentorship Mentored games- Quiz program Other items Treasurer Bank statement “But my friend told me to pick it up” T1 ended Oct 31 T2 ends Nov. 30 th - expect to be paid at xmas party

8 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 Assignors Any Items Ref reps Any items

9 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010 So... Things to remember... Dec 15 th - xmas party- location TBD BCC is coming…and others Speak out/ Quiz program Cheques...please Greig at back table...supervisors, please stay behind for a short workshop on supervision in the district

10 Bytown Officials meeting Nov. 18 th, 2010

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