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Workshop on Emergency Telecommunications, February 26/27th 2002 Interactive information and communication system for emergency applications on the example.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Emergency Telecommunications, February 26/27th 2002 Interactive information and communication system for emergency applications on the example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Emergency Telecommunications, February 26/27th 2002 Interactive information and communication system for emergency applications on the example of fire brigades Dipl.-Ing. Marc C. Lemmel Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and Applied Work Science Hochschulring 20, D-28359 Bremen, Germany +49 421 218 5627

2 Overview Presentation structure: 1.State of the art in emergency technologies 2.Problems and difficulties on example of fire fighting 3.Progression of information requirements during operation 4.Vision of security equipment of tomorrow 5.Overview over future emergency scene 6.Technical goals to be approached 7.Standardisation requirements in this area 8.Conclusion and added value

3 State of the art Examples for fire fighters equipment today: two fire fighters share one walkie-talkietwo fire fighters share one walkie-talkie  all hands are needed during action self-contained breathing devices isolate fire fightersself-contained breathing devices isolate fire fighters  conversation or use of walkie-talkie is impossible chief is connected to fire department via cell phonechief is connected to fire department via cell phone  data transfer from department / to fireman is impossible maps, floor plans and pre fire plan exist on papermaps, floor plans and pre fire plan exist on paper  use during operation / in the building is difficult information about hazardous materials is stored at departmentinformation about hazardous materials is stored at department  firemen in action do not have information about location and handling of hazardous materials

4 Problem Description Major difficulties in the daily business of fire brigades: every operation is unforeseeableevery operation is unforeseeable  prediction or planning of operations and services is nearly impossible alarm information of building is only available at control panelalarm information of building is only available at control panel  chief has to reach control panel before giving further instructions flexibility and spontaneous co-operation with other services is necessaryflexibility and spontaneous co-operation with other services is necessary  success depends on perfect teamwork of all involved rescue authorities firemen with various qualifications and different equipment work togetherfiremen with various qualifications and different equipment work together  effective teamwork basis on compatible devices visibility and audibility is mostly poor during operationvisibility and audibility is mostly poor during operation  conditions are not optimal and cause danger no information about location and condition of persons in dangerno information about location and condition of persons in danger  conventional tracing of missing victims takes long time

5 Information requirements Progression of information density during operation:

6 Solution Fire fighters equipment tomorrow: seamless support of local and post GSM communication systemsseamless support of local and post GSM communication systems  permanent coverage for rural, urban and in house communication duplex communication system ergonomically integrated into helmetduplex communication system ergonomically integrated into helmet  all hands of every fireman are free during operation head mounted display (HMD) integrated into helmet visorhead mounted display (HMD) integrated into helmet visor  secondary data like pre fire plans, building maps, way points, night vision etc. can be transmitted and displayed simultaneously CCD-camera with high sensitivity attached to the helmetCCD-camera with high sensitivity attached to the helmet  CCD raises visibility and enables video transfer to the chief etc. digital information about hazardous materials can be transferred directlydigital information about hazardous materials can be transferred directly  firemen can use secondary information like handling instructions online wireless and seamless internet access for incident commanderwireless and seamless internet access for incident commander  further information can be requested and transferred to location

7 Possible Approach Schematic scenario overview:

8 Expected Results Technical goals to approach: seamless support for rural, urban and in-house communication seamless support for rural, urban and in-house communication standardised wireless and hands free communication system with acoustical and optical control interaction standardised wireless and hands free communication system with acoustical and optical control interaction helmet (HMD) with optical and acoustical I/O-devices for guidance helmet (HMD) with optical and acoustical I/O-devices for guidance audio and video guidance system to avoid panic in critical situations audio and video guidance system to avoid panic in critical situations augmented reality support for critical operation, e.g. handling of hazardous materials augmented reality support for critical operation, e.g. handling of hazardous materials www-access to fire department and secondary service authorities via PDA www-access to fire department and secondary service authorities via PDA location system of persons in danger via cell-phones and GPS location system of persons in danger via cell-phones and GPS relevant data about building, stored materials etc. can be actualised easily and shared quickly by the use of central database like GISrelevant data about building, stored materials etc. can be actualised easily and shared quickly by the use of central database like GIS online mapping system for building without existing digital floor plans online mapping system for building without existing digital floor plans transmission of health status using wearable sensors and BANtransmission of health status using wearable sensors and BAN

9 Standardisation requirements Appropriate data groups with standardisation demands: voice interaction hardware / softwarevoice interaction hardware / software  permanent coverage for rural, urban and in house communication  enabling interdisciplinary interaction for all departments involved video transmission hardware / softwarevideo transmission hardware / software  unified video data transmission to different systems  Standartised picture format with different resolution levels tracing of missing servicemen and persons in dangertracing of missing servicemen and persons in danger  standartised and independend system to locate victims by cell phone secondarry service provision such as map, handling etc.secondarry service provision such as map, handling etc.  Unified data format und structure on servers of secondarry authorities  consistent and secured gateways to databases providing service information like weather, traffic, GIS, etc.

10 Conclusion Advantages and major goals of wireless technology support:  Direct and standardised interaction between different authorities involved  reduction of alarm sequence and operation time  enhanced security in emergency business and less risk of life

11 Dipl.-Ing. Marc C. Lemmel Hochschulring 20 D-28359 Bremen +49 421 218 5627 Contact

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