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GUIDED READING P-12 Loddon Mallee Region. LITERACY ELEMENTS Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading SPEAKING & LISTENING OBSERVATION.

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Presentation on theme: "GUIDED READING P-12 Loddon Mallee Region. LITERACY ELEMENTS Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading SPEAKING & LISTENING OBSERVATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 GUIDED READING P-12 Loddon Mallee Region

2 LITERACY ELEMENTS Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading SPEAKING & LISTENING OBSERVATION & ASSESSMENT Write Aloud Shared Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing

3 3 GRADUAL RELEASE OF RESPONSIBILITY MODELLING The teacher demonstrates and explains the literacy focus being taught. This is achieved by thinking aloud the mental processes and modelling the reading, writing, speaking and listening The student participates by actively attending to the demonstrations SHARING The teacher continues to demonstrate the literacy focus, encouraging students to contribute ideas and information Students contribute ideas and begin to practise the use of the literacy focus in whole class situations GUIDING The teacher provides scaffolds for students to use the literacy focus. Teacher provides feedback Students work with help from the teacher and peers to practise the use of the literacy focus APPLYING The teacher offers support and encouragement when necessary The student works independently to apply the use of literacy focus Role of the teacher Role of the student Pearson & Gallagher DEGREE OF CONTROL



6 GUIDED READING Description The teacher and a small group of students talk, read and think their way purposefully through a common text, working collaboratively.

7 GUIDED READING Classroom Indicators- Instruction Teachers: group and regroup students using ongoing observation and assessment carefully plan strategic reading instruction and explicitly teach small groups of students select texts appropriate for the common instructional needs of the group promote active engagement in thoughtful group discussion Time scheduled daily - each group approx. 20 minutes

8 GUIDED READING Classroom Indicators- Instruction (continued) Teacher prompts assist students to: engage in text orientation and activate prior knowledge, connections and thinking deepen comprehension develop prediction skills and understanding of the reading and writing processes use other students to help solve problems question ideas of the author ask questions a reader asks when reading

9 GUIDED READING Classroom Indicators- Resources A variety of texts in multiple copies - a set of 6 and an additional copy for the teacher Small group organisation and tasks are clearly defined and visible eg. management board


11 How do we identify an instructional focus? Teaching for Strategies Focussed, deliberate observations On Demand: Adaptive, Linear or Progress report Reading Response Journal Previous Guided reading sessions Independent Reading Conferences

12 Identifying Reading Behaviours Force Helmet: The Champion’s Choice When you get to Chad’s level, you can wear any lid you want. You’ve got all the fame, all the championships, all the speed, and the offers from helmet manufacturers just keep on coming. Chad’s been a Thor guy forever, but he could have gone a different route when it comes to the most serious piece of equipment he owns. Other riders do. They wear one brand of gear, but opt for a different brand lid. Chad chose the Force helmet because it’s as serious about performance as he is. Designed and built to exceed the most stringent professional racing standards, the Force Helmet delivers championship level performance, amazing balance, incredible airflow, and serious protection in an extremely lightweight package. Available in three unique construction materials, Composite / Superlight / Carbon Fibre, the Force helmet provides innovative design and state of the art manufacturing to raise the level of performance while lowering the weight.

13 How Do We Select Appropriate Text? Based on instructional focus and knowledge of students in group. Text needs to be appropriate to students’ learning needs, backgrounds, interests and experiences. Text may have links to current topic study. Usually a new text for students, but may be re- visited for a specific purpose. Text at an appropriate level: no more than 5 -10 difficulties in every 100 words.

14 Questioning Literal Questions Right There. The answer is clearly in the text. Inferential Think and Search Prior knowledge and text clues Evaluative On Your Own. Your own knowledge plus what the author has said.

15 Hand The answer is in the story and is easy to find The author said it Literal Reading on the lines ‘right there’ thinking gather describe investigate search talk about select list identify recall Head The answer is in the story but is harder to find The author meant it Inferential Reading between the lines ‘think and search’ thinking compare contrast explain reason distinguish classify sort infer analyse Heart The answer is not in the story; you have to answer it The author would agree/disagree with it Evaluative Reading beyond the lines ‘on my own’ thinking evaluate imagine speculate predict judge estimate forecast apply Three levels of questions

16 “ Australia’s principal export is now coal.” Literal What is Australia’s main export? Our main export is coal. Inferential Is coal our only export? Australia has other exports. Coal has not always been our main export. Evaluative Why do we export? Countries need to export goods or produce to bring in money from overseas. “Australia, the lucky country”.

17 GUIDED READING Modelled Session – Literary Sociogram The Black Dog Gang by Robert Newton

18 Create a literary sociogram.

19 It helps us to understand the relationships between characters, and their motives.

20 People who can show an understanding of the relationships and actions in the text.

21 What are the other students doing? “The way teachers structure the learning environment and the way students spend their time influences the level of reading proficiency the students have attained at the end of the year.” (Moser & Boushey) Reading independently Working on tasks which reinforce a prior teaching focus Working on texts to practise comprehension strategies Working on texts to practise reading strategies Responding to texts they have read or are reading Listening to quality literature being read aloud “It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” (Henry David Thoreau)

22 Does it look different across year levels?

23 Reference Breakthrough (Fullan, Hill and Crevola Literacy Teaching and Learning in Victorian Schools (Paper No 9 DEECD) Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency (Fountas and Pinnell) Guided Reading (Fountas and Pinnell) Effective Literacy Practice 1-4 and 5-8 (NZ Ministry of Education) Victorian Essential Learning Standards (DEECD) Key Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching (DEECD)

24 Resources Catching onto Comprehension- Pearson NAPLAN resources AIM resources

25 What’s HOT and what’s NOT? Consider your school literacy plan What’s HOT in your school right now? Are you on track? What’s NOT hot in your school right now? What do you need to do? Considerations for 2010?

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