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I. War Is Upon Us A. The target … the souls of humanity (I Peter 5:8-9) B. We must put it on (1 Sam 17:45-47, Eph 6:11) C. Why is it important? (Eph.

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Presentation on theme: "I. War Is Upon Us A. The target … the souls of humanity (I Peter 5:8-9) B. We must put it on (1 Sam 17:45-47, Eph 6:11) C. Why is it important? (Eph."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. War Is Upon Us A. The target … the souls of humanity (I Peter 5:8-9) B. We must put it on (1 Sam 17:45-47, Eph 6:11) C. Why is it important? (Eph. 6:10-13)

3 II. Foundational Armor A. Belt Of Truth 1. If we don’t believe in and know TRUTH we don’t really know our Savior. Eph 4:21 2. The Belt is Powerful 3. Putting On The Belt

4 II. Foundational Armor A. Belt Of Truth B. Breastplate of Righteousness 1. Breastplate: Protection for the Heart- Genesis 4:6-7 2. Fake Righteousness “Normal,” “Better,” “Outward,” “Cultural,” and “Opinion” 3. Putting On The Breastplate


6 I. The Shoes Of Peace A. Preparation B. Results C. Putting On The Shoes

7 II. Shield Of Faith A. Is Your Shield Whole? - Faith based on hearing God’s Word (1 Corinthians 2:5) - Faith that believes all God reveals. (Gen. 1-3, Prov 20:1) - Faith that does what God’s Word asks. (James 1:25) B. Taking Up Our Shield

8 III. Sword Of The Spirit A. If we don’t know the book you don’t know the power! (Matthew 22:29) B. An Offensive Weapon (1 Corinthians 14:24-25) C. Taking Up Our Sword

9 IV. Helmet Of Salvation 1. Salvation Is Our Hope- 1 Thess. 5:8 3. Putting On The Helmet 2. Our Helmet Is Sure- Hebrews 6:17-20

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