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Traffic Notes Arlene Hein Elementary 2013 - 2014.

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1 Traffic Notes Arlene Hein Elementary 2013 - 2014

2 Traffic/Arrival/Dismissal Info. Please drive slowly and carefully to and from school – our priority is keeping our children safe! Please be kind neighbors to those who live by our school, and do not block or park in their driveways, park on their lawns, or make U-turns in front of their homes. Thanks! We are also asking for parent volunteers to help with traffic from 7:45 – 8:00 AM. We appreciate your help!



5 Traffic/Arrival/Dismissal Info. Vehicles please come through the “drop-off” lane closest to the red curb, drop off your child, then exit to the right onto Bellaterra Dr. – NO “U-Turns” on Valgrande or Toscano, please! If you are parking your vehicle, use the outermost lane, and move through to a marked parking slot. Parents & students walking onto campus are to use either the marked crosswalk in front of the MPR or come to the sidewalk by the driveway exit – please do not cross through the parking lot, for your safety and your child’s safety. Students waiting for an after school pick-up are to wait on the sidewalk in front of the office, standing behind the first letter of their last name.

6 More Traffic/Arrival/Dismissal Info. All students using a bicycle, scooter or skateboard to/from school must wear a helmet. (Our EG Police Dept. will issue citations if helmets are not worn  ) We encourage students to walk to/from school with a buddy, for safety purposes. “Walk to School Day” is scheduled for early October – with lots of healthy and fun activities that day! We ask that dogs not be brought onto our campus-please stay with pets on Bellaterra Dr. sidewalks. All students still waiting for parents after 2:45 PM will all go inside the office and wait for their parent pick-up. We do not have outside supervision after 2:45.

7 ARRIVAL TIME AT AHES Gates are opened at 7:45 AM. Students walk onto campus and line up in quad area according to their room number. Teachers provide supervision until 8:00 AM. Parents may wait with students. Kindergarten doors open between 7:45-7:50. First bell rings at 7:57 AM and final bell at 8:00 Students are considered “tardy” once their class has entered their classroom. Gates are locked at that time, and late students enter through the office to get tardy slips.

8 DISMISSAL TIME Gates open at 2:25 PM. Parents may walk onto campus to wait in the quad area. Parents in vehicles at the “red curb” must remain in their car. If you want to walk on campus to get your child, then please park your vehicle in a designated parking spot. Students waiting to be picked up are to wait in front of the office, line up behind the first letter of their last name. Parents pull up their vehicles and teachers/staff will assist in getting students to the vehicles.

9 Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe!

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