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Player/Parent Meeting Monday February 9 2015. Get Registered Through the Activities OfficeThrough the Activities Office All should be done online through.

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Presentation on theme: "Player/Parent Meeting Monday February 9 2015. Get Registered Through the Activities OfficeThrough the Activities Office All should be done online through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Player/Parent Meeting Monday February 9 2015

2 Get Registered Through the Activities OfficeThrough the Activities Office All should be done online through the activities pageAll should be done online through the activities page AthleticsAthletics Register and PaymentRegister and Payment MSHSL FormMSHSL Form PhysicalPhysical FeeFee

3 Eligibility AcademicallyAcademically Chemical ViolationsChemical Violations Student Conduct ViolationsStudent Conduct Violations Social Media ResponsibilitySocial Media Responsibility

4 LNHS Teams Varsity-LNHSVarsity-LNHS JV-LNHSJV-LNHS Sophs-KTMSSophs-KTMS 9A-King9A-King 9B-King9B-King Varsity & Sophs JV & 9 th GradeVarsity & Sophs JV & 9 th Grade

5 Tryouts/Practice Begin the Week of March 16Begin the Week of March 16 See Calendar on website for daily timesSee Calendar on website for daily times Varsity Beginning at 5:00pmVarsity Beginning at 5:00pm Seniors, Juniors In Coach Gassman’s RoomSeniors, Juniors In Coach Gassman’s Room Practice/Tryouts Monday-Friday 3.16.15-3.20.15Practice/Tryouts Monday-Friday 3.16.15-3.20.15 Sophs Beginning at 7:30pmSophs Beginning at 7:30pm Practice/Tryouts Monday-Thursday 3.16.15-3.19.15Practice/Tryouts Monday-Thursday 3.16.15-3.19.15 9 th Grade Beginning at 8:30pm9 th Grade Beginning at 8:30pm Practice/Tryouts Monday-Thursday 3.16.15-3.19.15Practice/Tryouts Monday-Thursday 3.16.15-3.19.15 Player meetings on Friday 3.20.15 at 3:00pmPlayer meetings on Friday 3.20.15 at 3:00pm

6 Communicati on “The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw “The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw

7 20 Roles Provide a Structure for Quality Playing Time Define roles on our team Understand your talents Maximize the Experience Provide a Structure for Quality Playing Time Define roles on our team Understand your talents Maximize the Experience

8 20 Roles for the Varsity Applies only to Varsity TeamApplies only to Varsity Team Lower levels are introduced to the concept Coaches use it to help complete rosters We discuss it at the Parent/Athlete meeting. We discuss it at the Parent/Athlete meeting. Before the first practice we sit down with all players that are trying out and go through a power point presentation.Before the first practice we sit down with all players that are trying out and go through a power point presentation. Provides transparency and enhances communication.Provides transparency and enhances communication. Lets everyone know where they are starting outLets everyone know where they are starting out

9 What we need: The coaching staff has identified 20 playing roles We will only be keeping players who have earned 1 or more of these roles. 1.First Base11. Starting Pitcher 2.Second Base12. Right handed Spot Starter/Reliever 3.Third Base13. Left handed Spot Starter/Reliever 4.Shortstop14. Reliever/Closer 5.Leftfield15. Reserve Catcher/Bullpen catcher 6.Centerfield16. Reserve Middle Infielder/Pinch Runner 7.Right Field17. Reserve Corner Infielder 8.Catcher18. Reserve Outfielder/Pinch Runner 9.Starting Pitcher19. RH Designated Hitter Pinch Runner 10.Starting Pitcher20. LH Designated Hitter Pinch Runner

10 We have found that the ideal roster size is 14-15. Multifaceted players allow us to keep roster size manageable (and playing time for everyone a reality). The more things a player can do (field, hit, run, pitch) and the more positions they can play- the more they increase their chances of filling a roster spot- provided they do these things better than their competition. Multifaceted players allow us to keep roster size manageable (and playing time for everyone a reality). The more things a player can do (field, hit, run, pitch) and the more positions they can play- the more they increase their chances of filling a roster spot- provided they do these things better than their competition. Juniors who do not make Varsity will have the option of playing Junior Varsity. Seniors who do not make the roster will be let go. Juniors who do not make Varsity will have the option of playing Junior Varsity. Seniors who do not make the roster will be let go. So, obviously, some players must fill multiple roles.

11 WHAT POSITIONS DO YOU WANT TO COMPETE AT? If you don’t see yourself on a list that you want to compete for… LET US KNOW

12 Keeping Score Coaches visit after each practice Coaches visit after each practice We fill out our own 20 Roles We fill out our own 20 Roles Kids can find out at anytime where they are on the chart Kids can find out at anytime where they are on the chart 20 Roles is a platform to be used with traditional scoring assessments

13 Teams Plan is to announce teams before spring breakPlan is to announce teams before spring break There will be practice for Varsity and JV during spring breakThere will be practice for Varsity and JV during spring break There will be opportunities for practice for sophs and 9 th grade during the break.There will be opportunities for practice for sophs and 9 th grade during the break. If you anticipate conflicts please let Coach Market know ASAPIf you anticipate conflicts please let Coach Market know ASAP

14 Spring Break We have practice during break.We have practice during break. We typically plan a spring trip every other year.We typically plan a spring trip every other year. This year we are staying home.This year we are staying home. Please plan accordingly.Please plan accordingly.

15 Equipment Needs Program ProvidesProgram Provides UniformsUniforms Tshirts Sweatshirts Hat to fundraiser/buyout participantsTshirts Sweatshirts Hat to fundraiser/buyout participants BaseballsBaseballs Training EquipmentTraining Equipment Individuals ProvideIndividuals Provide Helmet- Red for all levels (If you have black think red for next purchase)Helmet- Red for all levels (If you have black think red for next purchase) Cleats- Think BlackCleats- Think Black Belts- RedBelts- Red Socks-RedSocks-Red Sleeves- Think BlackSleeves- Think Black Bats, Gloves, Catchers gear (catchers should see Coach Market)Bats, Gloves, Catchers gear (catchers should see Coach Market)

16 Online Store In the final stages of finalizingIn the final stages of finalizing More information to comeMore information to come Mostly Under Armour ItemsMostly Under Armour Items

17 Season Begins Monday April 6 vs EaganBegins Monday April 6 vs Eagan This is the Monday following breakThis is the Monday following break Obviously weather will play a major factorObviously weather will play a major factor Please follow me on twitter for up to date/ time informationPlease follow me on twitter for up to date/ time information @coachmarket20@coachmarket20

18 Transportation Players are expected to travel with the team via bus to each gamePlayers are expected to travel with the team via bus to each game Transportation back to Lakeville is provided for 9 th grade playersTransportation back to Lakeville is provided for 9 th grade players Transportation back to Lakeville for all other levels is the responsibility of individual families.Transportation back to Lakeville for all other levels is the responsibility of individual families. Exception being our trip to Eau Claire on Saturday April 25thException being our trip to Eau Claire on Saturday April 25th

19 Fundraising To maintain the LN Baseball Program we need to secure additional Booster Funds.To maintain the LN Baseball Program we need to secure additional Booster Funds. These funds are in addition to the cost when registering for Baseball.These funds are in addition to the cost when registering for Baseball. We are asking each family to fundraise $300We are asking each family to fundraise $300 2 fundraisers are available to offset this HS booster fee2 fundraisers are available to offset this HS booster fee Poinsettia Plant SalePoinsettia Plant Sale Chart House BrunchChart House Brunch Buyouts are an optionBuyouts are an option

20 Brunch Fundraiser Chart House Sunday BrunchChart House Sunday Brunch Reminder to make reservations w/ themReminder to make reservations w/ them March 8 Includes Silent AuctionMarch 8 Includes Silent Auction March 15 is a secondary date available to usMarch 15 is a secondary date available to us Tickets can be purchased anytimeTickets can be purchased anytime Tickets are available during open gym or before school with Coach MarketTickets are available during open gym or before school with Coach Market $20 per ticket$20 per ticket

21 Brunch Fundraiser Silent Auction ItemsSilent Auction Items Each Grade level is responsible for getting 2 baskets togetherEach Grade level is responsible for getting 2 baskets together 9 th grade Leader(s) – Maureen Juaire and Shelly Elstad9 th grade Leader(s) – Maureen Juaire and Shelly Elstad 10 th grade Leader(s) – Scott Hare10 th grade Leader(s) – Scott Hare 11 th grade Leader(s) – Tami Hobbs and Rick Fossey11 th grade Leader(s) – Tami Hobbs and Rick Fossey 12 th grade Leader(s) – Melissa Rhodus12 th grade Leader(s) – Melissa Rhodus Great BreakfastGreat Breakfast

22 Water Softener Salt Is a 3 rd FundraiserIs a 3 rd Fundraiser Profits from this fundraiser are shared between the HS and Summer Sr. Youth ProgramsProfits from this fundraiser are shared between the HS and Summer Sr. Youth Programs More information on the Salt Sale to be providedMore information on the Salt Sale to be provided Mr. LarsonMr. Larson

23 Summer Programs Legion ILegion I Legion IILegion II Junior LegionJunior Legion Relationship between School Teams and SummerRelationship between School Teams and Summer Registration is open on the LBA WebsiteRegistration is open on the LBA Website

24 Summer Training Opportunities Baseball Specific TrainingBaseball Specific Training IndividualIndividual Small GroupSmall Group Position GroupPosition Group Strength TrainingStrength Training Instructors from the HS Program as well as former players.Instructors from the HS Program as well as former players. Contact Coach Market if interested in additional informationContact Coach Market if interested in additional information

25 Contact Information Head CoachHead Coach Tony MarketTony Market @coachmarket20@coachmarket20 612.670.2088 cell612.670.2088 cell

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