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Aw heck yeah PANGOLINS!. ≈ What Are Pangolins?  They look kinda like armadillos, see? ≠ BUT PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN.

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Presentation on theme: "Aw heck yeah PANGOLINS!. ≈ What Are Pangolins?  They look kinda like armadillos, see? ≠ BUT PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN."— Presentation transcript:

1 aw heck yeah PANGOLINS!

2 ≈ What Are Pangolins?  They look kinda like armadillos, see? ≠ BUT PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN.

3 It Ain’t Even Close  For a long time, people thought pangolins were related to the armadillos, anteaters, and sloths.  Then along came Watson and Crick (and Franklin).  Now we know: genetically, pangolins are more closely related to carnivorans.  And horses.  And bats.  And whales.  And humans, for that matter. ≈

4 How Cool Are They? VERY.

5 Why Are They So Cool?  They have awesome keratin scales.  Their scales are razor-sharp and can be moved back and forth like slashing blades.  They can curl up into a ball.  They have prehensile tails.  They can walk on their hind legs.  Their tongues are detached from their hyoid bone, and so long they extend into the abdomen.  They are, apparently, extremely smart.  They’re called “pangolins”, for Chrissakes.

6 But pangolins are always in our hearts. not anymore Where Are Pangolins Found? oodles here more here and here none here no pangolins here, duh not one damn pangolin here

7 What Threatens Pangolins? AAssholes. OOkay, in Africa they’re mostly hunted for meat. I can get that. People need to eat, and I’m not in a place to judge them for it. BBut in Asia they’re eaten as a delicacy, by assholes. MMost species are not at risk of extinction, but the Chinese and Malayan pangolins are endangered. YYet assholes keep eating them! Grrrrgh! AAnd they use the scales for folk medicine? Assholes!

8 All of That Said…  I am forced to admit that this is totally cool. Pangolin scale armor! Only known example! Belonged to King George III! Came with a cool helmet!

9 Anyway, I’m Tired Now  So here are some pictures of pangolins!

10 FIN.

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