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The Imperative. Remember that the imperative only uses the tu, nous & vous forms of a verb: Prends ton livre. Take your book. (tu form) Prenez vos livres.

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Presentation on theme: "The Imperative. Remember that the imperative only uses the tu, nous & vous forms of a verb: Prends ton livre. Take your book. (tu form) Prenez vos livres."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Imperative

2 Remember that the imperative only uses the tu, nous & vous forms of a verb: Prends ton livre. Take your book. (tu form) Prenez vos livres. Take your books. (vous form) Nous prenons nos livres. Let’s take our books. (nous form)

3 Regular –er verbs Remember that when you write the tu form of an –er verb as a command, drop the final s of the verb ending: Tu rentres tôt  Rentre tôt.

4 Irregular verbs If the verb isn’t a regular –er verb, the spelling of the command form doesn’t change: Tu fais  Fais les devoirs! Tu prends  Prends un hot-dog, Adrien!

5 To make a command negative, put ne in front & pas after the verb: Regarde la télé! → Ne regarde pas la télé!

6 To make a negative command with a reflexive pronoun, put the reflexive pronoun in front of the verb: Ne te lève pas! Don’t get up! Ne vous couchez pas tard! Don’t go to bed late! Ne nous dépêchons pas! Let’s not hurry!

7 When you make an affirmative command with a relexive verb, put the reflexive pronoun after the verb separated by a hyphen. NOTE: te becomes toi: Lève-toi! Get up! Couchez-vous! Go to bed! Dépêchons-nous! Let’s hurry!

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