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Chosen But Free n I.We Were Chosen by God n II. God Was Chosen by Us n III. How Both Are True n I.We Were Chosen by God n II. God Was Chosen by Us n III.

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Presentation on theme: "Chosen But Free n I.We Were Chosen by God n II. God Was Chosen by Us n III. How Both Are True n I.We Were Chosen by God n II. God Was Chosen by Us n III."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chosen But Free n I.We Were Chosen by God n II. God Was Chosen by Us n III. How Both Are True n I.We Were Chosen by God n II. God Was Chosen by Us n III. How Both Are True

2 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically n III. Practically

3 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n A. The Bible affirms both. – B. The Bible has no contradictions. – C. Hence, both are true.

4 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n A. The Bible affirms both:

5 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n I. The Crucifiers were Both n II. The Cross was Both n III. Christ’s Rejection was Both n IV. Christ’s Rejectors were Both n V. Christ’s Betrayal was Both n VI. Joseph’s Enslavement was Both n VII. Salvation is Both n VIII. Condemnation is Both n IX. A Beautiful Illustration of Both

6 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n I. The Crucifiers were Both: n Acts 2:23: “ n Acts 2:23: “ This man was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge [predetermined]; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death [freely] by nailing him to the cross.”

7 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n II. The Cross was Both: n Rev. 13:8--Christ is “...the lamb slain from the foundation of the world”[predetermined] n n John 10:17-18--“I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord” [freely].

8 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n III. Christ’s Rejection was Both: n n 1Peter 2:8: “`A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.’ They stumble because they disobey the message [freely]--which is also what they were destined for” [predetermined].

9 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n IV. Christ’s Rejectors were Both: n n Acts 4:27-28: “Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did [freely] what your power and will [O God] had decided beforehand should happen” [predetermined].

10 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n V. Jesus’ Betrayal was Both: n n Luke 22:22: “The Son of Man will go as it has been decreed [predetermined], but woe to that man who betrays him” [freely].

11 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n VI. Joseph’s Enslavement was Both: n VI. Joseph’s Enslavement was Both: Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me [freely], but God intended it for good [predetermined] to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

12 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n VII. Salvation is Both: n n Acts 13:48: “When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed” [predetermined]. n n Acts 14:1: They “ spake that a great multitude...believed.”

13 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n VIII. Condemnation is Both: n n Jude 1:4: “For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago [predetermined] have secretly slipped in [freely] among you.”

14 The Bible Affirms Both Predestination & Free Choice n IX. A Beautiful Illustration is Both: n n Acts 27:22: “But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; [predestined] only the ship will be destroyed.” Yet-- n n Acts 27:31: Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers,“Unless these men stay with the ship [freely], you cannot be saved.”

15 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n A. The Bible affirms both. – B. The Bible has no contradictions. n “Avoid…contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge” (1Tim. 6:20). – C. Hence, both are true.

16 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically: No Contradiction –A. God knows for sure that John will be saved=is predetermined.

17 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically: No Contradiction

18 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically: No Contradiction –A. God knows for sure that John will be saved=is predetermined.

19 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically: No Contradiction –A. God knows for sure that John will be saved=is predetermined. –B. John chose to be saved=is free. – God knew for sure (=determined) – that John would freely believe (=is free). –

20 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically: No Contradiction –A. God knows for sure that John will be saved=is predetermined. –B. John chose to be saved=is free. – God knew for sure (=determined) – that John would freely believe (=is free). – Both are true!

21 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction –A. Opposites cannot both be true: 1. at the same time, and-- – 2. in the same relationship.

22 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction –A. Opposites cannot both be true: 1. at the same time, and-- – 2. in the same relationship. –B. But the relationship is different. – 1. In relation to God, it is determined. – 2. In relation to our choice, it is not determined.

23 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction – A. God knows everything (=true).

24 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction – A. God knows everything (=true). – B. God can’t be wrong about anything (=true).

25 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction – A. God knows everything (=true). – B. God can’t be wrong about anything (=true). – C. God knew Judas would betray Christ (=true).

26 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction – A. God knows everything (=true). – B. God can’t be wrong about anything (=true). – C. God knew Judas would betray Christ (=true). – D. Therefore, Judas must betray Christ (=true). – 1. Otherwise God would be wrong. n 2. And God cannot be wrong.

27 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction – A. God knows everything (=true). – B. God can’t be wrong about anything (=true). – C. God knew Judas would betray Christ (=true). – D. Therefore, Judas must betray Christ (=true). – 1. Otherwise God would be wrong. n 2. And God cannot be wrong. n E. Hence, Judas is not free (=false)

28 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: No Contradiction – A. God knows everything (=true). – B. God can’t be wrong about anything (=true). – C. God knew Judas would betray Christ (=true). – D. Therefore, Judas must betray Christ (=true). – 1. Otherwise God would be wrong. n 2. And God cannot be wrong. n E. Hence, Judas is not free (=false) n God simply knew for sure (=predetermined) that Judas would n choose (=freely) to betray Christ.

29 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game

30 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game n 1. The game is determined –a. It will always replay the same. –b. It will never change.

31 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game n 1. The game is determined –a. It will always replay the same. –b. It will never change n 2. But every play was freely chosen.

32 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game n 1. The game is determined –a. It will always replay the same. –b. It will never change n 2. But every play was freely chosen. n 3. Hence, every free action in it is n determined.

33 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game n 1. The game is determined –a. It will always replay the same. –b. It will never change n 2. But every play was freely chosen. n 3. Hence, every free action in it is determined. n Note: God looks ahead with the same n certainty that we look back (Isa. 46:10).

34 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game –B. A Romance Novel

35 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game –B. A Romance Novel n 1. The couple freely fall in love.

36 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game –B. A Romance Novel n 1. The couple freely fall in love. n 2. They freely chose to marry, etc.

37 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game –B. A Romance Novel n 1. The couple freely fall in love. n 2. They freely chose to marry, etc. n 3. Yet, the author determined every event in advance when he wrote the story.

38 How Both Can Be True n II. Logically: Illustrations –A. Video Tape of Football Game –B. A Romance Novel n 1. The couple freely fall in love. n 2. They freely chose to marry, etc. n 3. Yet, the author determined every event in advance when he wrote the story. n Likewise, God wrote history in advance, n but He decided that the players would n be free. He didn’t write about robots.

39 How Both Can Be True n I. Biblically n II. Logically n III. Practically

40 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven

41 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven n 1. Outside: “Choose God.”

42 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven n 1. Outside: “Choose God.” n 2. Inside: “I chose you.”

43 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven –B. God’s Knowledge vs. Our Knowledge

44 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven –B. God’s Knowledge vs. Our Knowledge n 1. God knows what will happen--the future is closed for Him.

45 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven –B. God’s Knowledge vs. Our Knowledge n 1. God knows what will happen--the future is closed for Him. n 2. We don’t know what will happen--the future is open for us. Therefore, --

46 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven –B. God’s Knowledge vs. Our Knowledge n 1. God knows what will happen--future is closed for Him. n 2. We don’t know what will happen-- future is open for us. Therefore, -- –a. Our prayers do count. –b. Our actions make a difference

47 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically –A. Inside & Outside the Door of Heaven –B. God’s Knowledge vs. Our Knowledge n 1. God knows what will happen--future is closed for Him. n 2. We don’t know what will happen-- future is open for us. Therefore, -- –a. Our prayers do count. –b. Our actions make a difference –God simply knows in advance what we will freely do and preplanned accordingly.

48 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n God predetermines in accord with His foreknowledge of our free choices: n Rom. 8:29 : ” n Rom. 8:29 : ”For those God foreknew he also predestined….”

49 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n God predetermines in accord with His foreknowledge of our free choices: n Rom. 8:29 : ” n Rom. 8:29 : ”For those God foreknew he also predestined….” n n 1Peter 1:2: “..who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.…”

50 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n God predetermines in accord with His foreknowledge of our free choices: n Rom. 8:29 : ” n Rom. 8:29 : ”For those God foreknew he also predestined….” n n 1Peter 1:2: “..who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.…” n n In brief, they were “Chosen but Free”!

51 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n An Illustration: Mother and Sick Child n

52 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n An Illustration: Mother and Sick Child n 1. Knowing in advance that the fevered child will awaken in the night, she places water and aspirin by the bedside.

53 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n An Illustration: Mother and Sick Child n 1. Knowing in advance that the fevered child will awaken in the night, she places water and aspirin by the bedside. –2. But she waits for the child to cry out to her before she responds.

54 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n An Illustration: Mother and Sick Child n 1. Knowing in advance that the fevered child will awaken in the night, she places water and aspirin by the bedside. –2. But she waits for the child to cry out to her before she responds. –3. God does the same for us.

55 How Both Can Be True n III. Practically n An Illustration: Mother and Sick Child n 1. Knowing in advance that the fevered child will awaken in the night, she places water and aspirin by the bedside. –2. But she waits for the child to cry out to her before she responds. –3. God does the same for us. –God said: “It shall come to pass that before –they call, I will answer” (Isa. 65:24).

56 For More Detail, Read--

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