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Chapter Three. Chaucer was such an important writer in English literature that he deserves a period of his own. two important historical events the Hundred.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Three. Chaucer was such an important writer in English literature that he deserves a period of his own. two important historical events the Hundred."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Three

2 Chaucer was such an important writer in English literature that he deserves a period of his own. two important historical events the Hundred Years’ War the peasant uprising of 1381

3 time starting: ending: from the reign of Edward III (1327 — 1377) from the reign of Henry VI (1421 – 1471) reason:the French throne two sides:the English kings and the French kings result:an awakening of national consciousness in England French was replaced by the native tongue.

4 reasons: *exploitation and oppression of the peasants by the feudal lords *Richard collected money to fight war in France, to suppress rebellions in Scotland tax spiritual leader:John Ball gather people in Kentmarch towards London Wat Tyler Richard betray the peasants talk be shot The peasant rebellion was suppressed.

5 John Wycliff Born:in Yorkshire Education :at Oxford Profession:clergyman Father of English prose Contribution:*demand to reform the church in order to do away with the corruption and rottenness * translate the Bible into standard English great contribution to English literature and English language

6 pamphlets in Latin * to attack the feudal lords and the church * to oppose the claim of the Pope to the English throne * to maintain that the church must not interfere in temporal matters * to believe that the clergymen had no right to hold property * to insist that the civil authority had the right to deprive the church of the property His views were taken over by the peasants in uprising.

7 William Langland His work:Piers Plowman The Vision of Piers Plowman Writing technique:allegory It is a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching. It has a double meaning. It has a primary meaning, or surface meaning, and a secondary meaning, or underlying meaning. In an allegory, abstract qualities or ideas, such as patience, purity, or truth, are personified as characters in the story. It is a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching. It has a double meaning. It has a primary meaning, or surface meaning, and a secondary meaning, or underlying meaning. In an allegory, abstract qualities or ideas, such as patience, purity, or truth, are personified as characters in the story.

8 Geoffrey Chaucer Born:in a wine merchant family with rising fortunes Place:in London Experience: served at court as a page joined the army, took part in the war sent to the Continent on diplomatic missions appointed Controller of Customs elected Member of Parliament from Kent (1340 ----- 1400)

9 three periods of his works the 1st period (1360 --- 1372) Form:under the influence of French literature imitate French poetry translate French poems The Book of the Duchess on the death of the first wife of John of Gaunt elegy

10 the second period ( 1372 ----- 1386 ) Form:under the influence of the Italian literature Troilus and Cryseyde adapted from a long poem by Boccacio Troilus Cryseyde the son of the king of Troy daughter of a soothsayer love hand over to the Greek leave her lover come back in 10 days no hope to return give in a new lover found a brooch killed by Achilles

11 the last period the last fifteen years of his life The Canterbury Tales written between 1387 and 1400 the general prologue twenty — four tales links unfinished the best part of the whole work 29 pilgrims from all walks of life Chaucer host of the inn to kill the time on the journey each tells two stories rewarded a free supper

12 The significance of The Canterbury Tales It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer ’ s time. It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer ’ s time. The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended by critics. The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended by critics. Chaucer ’ s humour: characteristic feature of the English literature. Chaucer ’ s humour: characteristic feature of the English literature. Chaucer ’ s contribution to English language Chaucer ’ s contribution to English language

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