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Militia A body of citizens enrolled for military service but only used in an emergency Call me in case of an emergency only!

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2 Militia A body of citizens enrolled for military service but only used in an emergency Call me in case of an emergency only!

3 Revolution The overthrow and replacement of an established government

4 Repeal To revoke or annul formally or officially

5 Mercenary/ Mercenaries A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army I’m for hire! For the right price, that is!

6 Minuteman An American militiaman during the Revolutionary War who remained ready for instant military service

7 Patriots A person who defends and supports his/her country. During the Revolutionary War, this was a person who supported the American cause and wanted to separate from England

8 Loyalists/ Tories An American colonist who stayed loyal to England during the Amer. Rev.

9 Boycott To abstain from dealing with or buying as a means of protest I boycott chicken because I don’t believe in eating myself. Bock bock bock….

10 Treason To betray one’s country, especially by acting to overthrow the government +

11 Hessian German mercenary Wo ist der brautwurst and der jutenherberger?

12 Tyranny/ Tyrannical/ Tyrant! Unrestrained use of power which is usually not justified!

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