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J E O P A R D Y Directions: Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Then divide the teams into groups of 3-4 students. The first group on Team A chooses.

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2 J E O P A R D Y

3 Directions: Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Then divide the teams into groups of 3-4 students. The first group on Team A chooses a category and an amount from slide 3. When the group agrees on an appropriate “question” to ask in response to the statement, one student asks the question. Other team members can whisper an answer to the group, but if the answer is heard by the teacher before the group is ready to give an answer, the team loses their turn and the play goes to Team B. Teams have 45 seconds to formulate a correct “question” to the statement. If correct, the team wins the dollar amount. If incorrect, they receive no “money.” Play then goes to Team B. Play continues until all category amounts have been chosen. The team with the most money wins.

4 Greek Thinkers Roman Expansion Early RomeRoman Genius Roman Empire 300 500 400 100 300 100 200 100 300 200 300 400 500 400 500 400 100 200 100 300 200 500 400 200

5 This Greek philosopher emphasized the importance of things you cannot see; eternal things. His finger pointed up in Raphael’s “School of Athens” painting.

6 Who was Plato? 100

7 This Greek philosopher emphasized the importance of what you can see and touch. His palm faced downward in Raphael’s “School of Athens” painting.

8 Who was Aristotle? 200

9 This Greek philosopher told his students to “know thyself.” He taught students by asking them questions.

10 Who was Socrates? 300

11 This Greek astronomer believed that the earth revolved around the sun, contrary to what other astronomers taught in ancient times.

12 Who was Aristarchus? 400

13 This Greek thinker studied math and how it related to music.

14 Who was Pythagoras? 500

15 This man killed his twin brother in an argument. He became the founder of Rome.

16 Who was Romulus? 100

17 These people conquered the Romans and introduced the Romans to their alphabet and their building techniques, such as the arch.

18 Who were the Etruscans? 200

19 This group of older men advised Rome’s early kings.

20 What was the Senate? 300

21 These were the two classes of citizens during the Roman Republic.

22 What were the Patricians and Plebeians? 400

23 These were bronze tablets on which the Roman laws were engraved.

24 What were the Twelve Tables? 500

25 By 367 B.C., one of these officials had to be a plebeian.

26 What were the consuls? DD

27 This class of people had no rights under Roman law.

28 What were the slaves? 200

29 This is the Latin word a consul used if he did not agree with the vote of the other consul.

30 What is “veto”? 300

31 The In 73 B.C., this slave led over 100,00 slaves in a rebellion against the Romans.

32 Who was Spartacus? 400

33 This class of citizens were the wealthy land-owners in Rome.

34 Who were the patricians? 500

35 This war was fought between Rome and Carthage over who would control the island of Sicily.

36 What was the 1st Punic War? 100

37 This war was fought because Carthage attacked Saguntum in Spain, one of Rome’s allies.

38 What was the 2nd Punic War? 200

39 This Roman poem is about a Trojan hero who escapes from Troy and sails to Italy.

40 What was the Aeneid? 300

41 This Carthaginian general tried to cross the Alps with 6,000 elephants and 60,000 soldiers so he could invade Rome.

42 Who was Hannibal? 400

43 These people made a secret pact with the Roman general, Scipio, to betray their allies, the Carthaginians.

44 Who were the Numidians? 500

45 This was a new building material invented by the Romans.

46 What is concrete? 100

47 These two things helped Rome build their bridges, aqueducts and stadiums.

48 What are concrete and arches? 200

49 This was one of the engineering skills developed by Roman builders.

50 What is surveying? 300

51 Rome built more than 50,000 miles of these in order to unify and control their huge Empire.

52 What were the Roman roads? 400

53 These structures carried water from mountain springs to public fountains and baths in nearby cities.

54 What were aqueducts? 500

55 He was Rome’s first emperor.

56 Who was Augustus Caesar? 100

57 This was the period of peace in the Roman Empire from 27 B.C. to 180 A.D.

58 What was Pax Romana? 200

59 This Roman Emperor committed suicide.

60 Who was Nero? 300

61 This emperor gave low-cost loans to farmers and helped support poor children and orphans.

62 Who was Trajan? 400

63 The death of this Emperor ended the Pax Romana.

64 Who was Marcus Aurelius? 500

65 The hand motion for this Walk Through History key word is to run your hand through your hair.

66 What is the hand motion for Greece? 100

67 The hand motion for this Walk Through History key word is holding two fingers above your head to symbolize a bull.

68 What is the hand motion for the Minoans? 200

69 The hand motion for this Walk Through History key word is to get down on all four’s to represent the Trojan horse.

70 What is the motion for the Mycenaeans? 300

71 The hand motion for this Walk Through History key word is to cover your eyes.

72 What is the hand motion for the Dark Age of Greece? 400

73 The hand motion for this Walk Through History key word is to hold four fingers over your head, throw them down, then raise your right arm and point your index finger.

74 What is the motion for the Republic of Rome? 500



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