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Clare Rayner The Retail Champion How to develop an upward cycle of Customer Engagement Best Western Conference 3 rd February 2014.

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2 Clare Rayner The Retail Champion How to develop an upward cycle of Customer Engagement Best Western Conference 3 rd February 2014

3 AGENDA Introduction 4-part customer engagement cycle

4 Introduction: A bit about me Family of entrepreneurs for 150 years: Retail, Hotels, wholesaling & manufacturing Started my own business in 2003 after 10 year long corporate career Founded The Retail Champion 2010 “Retail and Consumer Expert” contributor for various TV, Radio and trade press Author of 2 books “The Retail Champion: 10-steps to Retail Success”, “How to sell to Retail”

5 AGENDA Introduction 4-part customer engagement cycle

6 Customer Engagement is step 7 of the 10-steps to retail success methodology. In this session I will share my 4-part customer engagement process – Attraction, Conversion, Retention and Advocacy – which when effectively used will create a positive upward cycle. We will cover : How to develop an upward cycle of Customer Engagement : 1.How positioning, PR & Marketing are fundamental to attraction. 2.Why having the right offering, pricing, promotions, locations and brand experience enables customer conversion. 3.Approaches to retention that increase frequency of stay, overall spend and brand loyalty. 4.How to develop and encourage customer advocacy. What I promised from this talk

7 Step 7: Customer Engagement GROW Attract Convert RetainRefer

8 Customer Attraction Know the ideal customer’s needs: offer, price, promotions, locations – Culmination of steps 2,3,4,5,6... PR & Marketing are also critical – Be where your ideal customers are – before they’re your customers! Cover all bases - Online & Offline Use the positive referrals from loyal advocates to attract new customers

9 Customer Conversion The brand’s advertising, marketing materials, website, images, pricing, promotions and locations facilitate the customer decision Good copy / web content and competent well trained staff handling enquiries can further encourage the customer’s decision Conversion should be simple IF you’ve got the ingredients right DO NOT over sell... Leads to disappointment later!

10 Customer Retention Treat every new customer as though they are potentially your most profitable Frequency of stay and spend can be increased by re-marketing – Your loyalty rewards, across the brand Key to retention is keeping promises, consistent service experience – Every member of the group has a responsibility to others, and to the brand – Links to Step 2: Positioning...

11 “Your positioning is the outward representation of your brand to anyone who notices it. Through your positioning your brand makes promises, implied or explicit, to your customers. These promised lead to expectations. If you then fail to live up to those expectations you will have created a customer service failure.” My Positioning Mantra…

12 Customer Advocacy Happens only when customers trust your brand enough to recommend it You can encourage this but can’t force it – Recommend a friend schemes – VIP customer events – Your loyalty programme Can happen through word of mouth as well as online – reviews, social media Customer advocates contribute to attraction...

13 Summing up... The 4-step upward cycle – Attraction: Knowing your ideal customer, making sure the brand delivers the right offer – Conversion: Brand awareness, findability, access to quality information, competent staff – Retention: Keeping your promises, being consistent in service delivery – Advocacy: Your customer trusts you and recommends you

14 Action! Customer Engagement After this session I hope you will spend some time considering what more you could be doing to... – Attract new customers? – Convert more customers? – Retain more customers? – Create passionate and loyal advocates?

15 Clare Rayner The Retail Champion Twitter: @RetailChampion & @ClareRayner Facebook: /TheRetailChampion & /RetailExpert Thank you for listening


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