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OutoMate Billing Software Billing Automated.. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "OutoMate Billing Software Billing Automated.. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 OutoMate Billing Software Billing Automated.. 1

2 Section 1 : What Is Cloud Computing ? 2

3 Section 1 : Cloud Computing ? 3

4 Section 2 : What are the Products Offered? Outomate Retail Providing Automated Billing Solutions to Retailers Outomate Service Providing Automated Billing Solutions to Service Providers Outomate Wholesale Providing Automated Billing Solutions to Wholesalers/CNF/ Distributors of various products/services 4

5 Section 3 : Technology Implementation Typical Setup using Wireless Office 5

6 Section 4 : How are these SW Different? They can be accessed from anywhere, as they are location independent. The SW can be accessed from any device including Tablets, and Mobile phones, this enables usage of these devices as handheld devices. The SW can be run on any OS including MacOS, Android, Ubuntu, Linux, Symbian, and Windows (all versions). Using Google Cloud Services is now possible with these SW. The SW are offered on a Subscription Model, instead of redundant, Sale/Support Model, this keeps your SW always updated. No requirement for heavy Infrastructure Cost for Servers, Networks, Storage. Totally free from virus, system crash. Total Security/Safety for Data. No Need for Backup. 6

7 Location Free Access. Just Subscribe >> Login >> Use All you need is Internet. Supports All Computers, Tablets, and Mobile phones. Supports all major OS including MacOS, Android, Ubuntu, Linux, Symbian, and Windows (all versions). No requirement for heavy Infrastructure Cost for Servers, Networks, Storage. Section 5 : Key Features 7

8 …………………..The SW are offered on a Subscription Model, instead of redundant, Sale/Support Model, this keeps your SW always updated. The Subscription will Include the Following :- (a) Rental Cost of Usage of Software for the Subscription Period. (b) Cost of Hosting of Data Online. (c) Service Support (Online) during the Subscription Period. (d) Cost of Updating in the software during the period. The Subscription model helps in not only reducing the cost of the product, but helps the service provider to deliver efficient products to clients, thus improving the overall viability of the solution. (rationale being rental is always cheaper than purchase) It also allows a user to shift to alternate products without being bound with a existing service provider. Section 6: Subscription Model 8

9 Type of Subscriptions SUBSCRIPTION PLAN Features Limits Transactions Limit Users Bills/Estimates Bronze Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support 500 Single Silver Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support +Website/ Email Integration 2500 2 Users Gold Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support +Website/ Email Integration + SMS Integration 10000 10 Users Platinum Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support +Website/ Email Integration + SMS Integration + Ecom Portal Integration Unlimited 9

10 PRODUCT COMPARISON CHART COMPARABLES ANY SW COMPANY # FEATURESDetails TALLY ERP 9MARGRancelabCUSTOMIZED SWOUTOMATE 1 CLOUD BASED XXXMaybeYes 2 Technology Used Visual Fox Visual BasicAny.NET Redundant 15+ Yr old technology already reached End of Life Old Technology Latest Technology may be used as per client requirementlatest Technology Not designed for Internet limited in access through Internet May be Designed for use through internet Designed for use through internet Has to be locally deployed/maintained Has to be locally deployed Need not be Installed Locally 3 OS OS dependent, runs only on windows May be deployed on different OS seperatelyOS Independent 4 Devices Computers Can be desined for use with various devices Any Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile 5 Data Security To be managed by user may be lost due to virus/format Data stored on Servers with 3layer Security, to be managed by SIPL 6 SERVER Requirement Servers must if used by several users. No Servers Required May be used my any number of users. 7 Location Requirement Difficult & costly deployment in a multilocation envionment Can be deployed according to Client requirement Can be freely deployed across locational barriers, without additional costs. 8 Cost of OwnershipSoftware Though projected to be sold, user has to pay annual maintainence to ensure serviceAMC is a must to turn the Year AMC is essential Only a portion of SW cost has to be paid in terms of Subscription Hardware/Infrastructure User Must buy & maintain Costly servers, networks, etc which have a limited life. No need to buy any servers/maintain special networks, simple internet on a secured Wifi will suffice. Local Support Essential as frequent visits rquired to maintain SW/data Must No local support required as SW is not installed locally. Customization Costly,difficult to customize Very Costly Easy & Cost effective to Customize Development Cost Product Cost includes Development costPartially borne by buyer High Cost Totally Borne By Buyer. Buyer only pays subscription for the period he uses the SW. 10 Section 7 : Product Comparison With Other Vendors

11 RELATIVE SAVINGS CHART COMPARABLES ANY SW COMPANY #FEATURESDetails TALLY ERP 9MARGRANCELABCUSTOMIZED SWOUTOMATE Fixed Cost 1HardwareSERVER INSTALLATION IBM X3400 (basic) 57000 0 Windows Server Std (5Nodes) 42000 0 2Network Switch ( 10/100 ) 16 port + 200 Mtr Wiring Managed 35000 0 Wireless Router/AP 3500 3OS on Nodes Windows 8 Pro X5 Nodes (@9500/- per Node) 47500 0 4Devices Computers (min Dual Core X5 @21000/- per ) 105000 Optional Tablets with USB Port(@7000/-) for 5 users Do Not SupportDo not supportDo Not Support 35000 5Data Security UTM from Fortinet (40C) 42000 Installed at the Server Side 6Cost Of Software + Installation Basic Multiuser Software + Installation 50000250004550010000000 Recurring Cost 7Manpower Cost IT Management Person (1)200000 Not Required Annual Salary 8Annual Maintainence AMC HARDWARE (@ 15% of Hardware Installed) 49800 5775 AMC SOFTWARE (20% of the Cost of Software) 10000500091002000000 9SubsCription ServiceSUBSCRIPTION COST of SOFTWARE Annual 000035500 TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP 641800611800636400178180079775 Section 8 : High Overall Savings In Ownership/Operations 11



14 Detailed PARTY MASTER 14 Section 9 Screen Shots

15 USER CREATED TAX STRUCTURES 15 Section 9 Screen Shots


17 DashBoard 17 Section 9 Screen Shots

18 Estimate 18 Section 9 Screen Shots

19 ORDER 19 Section 9 Screen Shots

20 CHALLAN 20 Section 9 Screen Shots

21 INVOICE 21 Section 9 Screen Shots

22 PRICING OUTOMATE.COM Date04/06/2013 Details Prices SUBSCRIPTION PLAN Features Limits Transactions Limit Users Outomate RetailOutomate ServiceOutomate Wholesale Bills/EstimatesAnnualQtrMthAnnualQtrMthAnnualQtrMth Bronze Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support 500 Single350010004003500100040075002000800 Silver Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support +Website/ Email Integration 2500 2 Users75002000800750020008001250035001500 Gold Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support +Website/ Email Integration + SMS Integration 10000 10 Users 145004000150014500400015003550095003500 Platinum Online, Always On, Multi Device, Multi OS Support +Website/ Email Integration + SMS Integration + Ecom Portal Integration Unlimited 1950060002500195006000250055500150005500 22 Section 10 Price List


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