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Annimac2012 GSI Board Presentation 31 January 2012 What’s happening Where’s it all going Anni Macbeth Futurist Trend Forecaster Annimac.

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Presentation on theme: "Annimac2012 GSI Board Presentation 31 January 2012 What’s happening Where’s it all going Anni Macbeth Futurist Trend Forecaster Annimac."— Presentation transcript:

1 annimac2012 GSI Board Presentation 31 January 2012 What’s happening Where’s it all going Anni Macbeth Futurist Trend Forecaster Annimac Consultants Future Trends Impacting :

2 annimac2012 Exponential speed of change

3 annimac2012 Major trends impacting GSI 1. Setting the scene WA Economy & GFC 2. Disability sector people with disabilities govt policy : NDIS NDIA service providers 3. Retail sector

4 annimac2012 Global Financial Crisis : Shifting Economic Power INCREASING POWER DECLINING POWER

5 annimac2012 5 Setting the scene : WA Economy & GFC GFC deepening WA economy strongest two tiered Transport costs soar

6 annimac2012 6 Disability Sector People with disabilities ageing technology self empowerment seamless Bionic Eye Bionic Legs Bionic Arm

7 annimac2012 7 Disability Sector Government pro choice standardisation Natl Disability Insurance Scheme Natl Disability Insurance Agency Cmwlth FaHCSIA & DEEWR WA DSC Count Me In

8 annimac2012 8 Disability Sector Service Providers NFP funding uncertainty competition community philanthropy

9 annimac2012 9 Retail Sector Rapid transition turmoil lifestyle vs product unlimited choices online global offline local recycling & philanthropy Istanbul Turkey Retail Centre : 3.8 million ft 2 roller coaster wave pool 5 IMAX theatres

10 annimac2012 Summary Major trends impacting GSI 1. WA Economy : * strong but 2 tiered * 2012 slowing 2. Disability sector : * Pwd empowered seamless services * NDIS destabilising competition * community philanthropy - ready to give 3. Retail sector : * turmoil * lifestyle experience vs shopping * recycling & philanthropy & local GSI positives !

11 annimac2012 thank you

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