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Chapter Eleven (continued).  King Herod – 1.Enraged when Magi left without telling him where Jesus was. 2.Killed all boys 2 years old and younger 3.Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Eleven (continued).  King Herod – 1.Enraged when Magi left without telling him where Jesus was. 2.Killed all boys 2 years old and younger 3.Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Eleven (continued)

2  King Herod – 1.Enraged when Magi left without telling him where Jesus was. 2.Killed all boys 2 years old and younger 3.Jesus escaped. How? 4.According to Josephus:

3  Herod attempted suicide afterwards.  When Herod’s son (jailed by his father) thought him dead, he bribed his jailers so he could assume power.  Herod had him executed.  Herod’s depression grew deeper.  Herod was haunted by the fact that his death would cause great joy in Judea.

4  So…Herod assembled the most distinguished men in Judea and ordered their murder at the moment of his own death. He reasoned that this would dispel any joy.

5  Herod was also a remarkable man.  An athlete. Skilled with the javelin.  A supporter of the 192 nd Olympiad and was the first to award second & third prizes.  Olympics began in 765 B.C.E. in Greece.

6 More info. on the calendar  The present calendar was designed by Dionysius Exiguus in the sixth century who erred in his calculations by five to seven years. Since it would be too troublesome to correct all of the wrong dates, they were kept as they are.

7 How many Herods does it take to change a light bulb????  King Herod the Great (infant Jesus)  Herod Antipas (adult Jesus)  Herod Agrippa I (jailed St. Peter, Acts 12)  Herod Agrippa II (jailed St. Paul, Acts 26)

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