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Prayereleven AN ELEVEN WEEK JOURNEY INTO PRAYER The Place of Meditation in Prayer.

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1 prayereleven AN ELEVEN WEEK JOURNEY INTO PRAYER The Place of Meditation in Prayer


3 Kataphatic Prayer (Western Christianity - Meditation) This uses reason, will, imagination, feelings and senses to create experiences which have an impact on our relationship with God. Apophatic Prayer (Eastern Christianity - Contemplation) This is a way of reaching beyond conscious awareness, thoughts and images to arrive at the depth of one’s being to await the coming of the Lord.


5 Three D’s of Spiritual Maturity Discernment This means the wisdom and ability to make choices that match the will of God. Discretion This means having good judgement about yourself (self knowledge) which leads to true knowledge of God. Detachment This means having space in our lives for God through the letting go of other things.

6 The 4 Stages of Lectio Divina 4) Contemplatio (Contemplation) – to rest in the presence of the Lord without any further need of words or thoughts. 3) Oratio (Speaking) – to turn the results of meditation into a prayer of praise, submission, repentance, etc. 2) Meditatio (Meditation) – to ponder on the words that have come out of your reading using reason, imagination, etc, to gain insight and wisdom. 1) Lectio (Reading) – reading Scripture several times allowing the words to speak to your spirit.

7 prayereleven AN ELEVEN WEEK JOURNEY INTO PRAYER THE END The Place of Meditation in Prayer

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