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Globalisation, Culture and Lifestyle Seminar Eleven: Performing the Self: identity, individualism and lifestyle.

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1 Globalisation, Culture and Lifestyle Seminar Eleven: Performing the Self: identity, individualism and lifestyle

2 Referencing – direct quotes  In the text  “The de-industrialisation of cities has created a situation where policy makers have, in the words of Miles (2005:913) “desperately sought to explore the possibilities for a post- industrial future”  Surname (year: page number)  Where there are more than three authors do not list all of the surnames, put the first surname, followed by ‘et al’  For example, Bowdin, et al (2006:67)

3 References - paraphrasing  In the text  In recent years cultural regeneration has developed from an alternative to urban development policy into a core strategy for many regions and cities throughout the world (Garcia, 2005)  Surname, Year

4 Referencing - websites  In the text  Where there is an actual author use their name (e.g. newspaper articles)  It has been suggested that highland games are losing their battle for survival (Ross, 2011)  Where there is no name use the website name  It was reported that ‘girls are growing up in a moral abyss’ (BBC News, 2011)  In the reference list  Ross, J. Highland Games in Losing Battle for Survival. Scotland on Sunday. Available at sunday/scotland/highland_games_in_losing_battle_for_sur vival_1_1975526 accessed on Monday 21 st November 2011. sunday/scotland/highland_games_in_losing_battle_for_sur vival_1_1975526  BBC News (2011) Girls Growing up in Moral Abyss. BBC News. Available at accessed on Monday 21 st November 2011.

5 Referencing – reference list  Books:  Bowdin, G.A.J., Allen, J., O'Toole, W., Harris, R. and McDonnell, I. (2006). Events Management. 2nd edn. Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann.  Journals:  Garcia, B. (2005) Deconstructing the City of Culture: the long term cultural legacies of Glasgow 1990. Urban Studies, Vol. 42 (5), pp. 841-868.

6 Key Lessons from the Lecture  Lifestyle is seen as the key currency of modern life (identity capital)  It is concerned with the stylisation of everyday life  The body can be used as a canvas for communicative action  The body as a project  Issues of instant gratification

7 The Beach


9  We can see that the beach offers various opportunities for the creation of identity and lifestyle.  Identify as many different groups who utilise the beach as a lifestyle choice. What are the characteristics of these groups and how do they use the beach to create and affirm their lifestyle choice?

10 Body Image  Body image in postmodern society  How important is this?  Why is this?  Role of media?

11 Discussion Topic  Critically debate the notion of lifestyle and how this can be differentiated from other ‘forms’ of identity.  Discuss how the concept of lifestyle relates to other understandings of identity such as subculture and neo-tribalism in a postmodern world.  Critically discuss the means by which the body can be used as a communicative tool drawing upon examples from the entertainment and events industries.

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