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Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System California Public Safety-Safety Radio Association June 20, 2013 Los Angeles Regional Interoperable.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System California Public Safety-Safety Radio Association June 20, 2013 Los Angeles Regional Interoperable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System California Public Safety-Safety Radio Association June 20, 2013 Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System California Public Safety-Safety Radio Association June 20, 2013 1 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

2 Overview Emergency Communications Needs Program History – Legislative Impacts Spectrum Studies LMR System Issues LTE System Issues Current Procurements Questions? 2 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

3 Need For Interoperability 10,000,000 residents occupying 4000 square miles Risk to high profile attractions and critical infrastructure Multi-jurisdictional responses to small and large scale events 81 public safety agencies provide 34,000 first responders 17,000 secondary responders Multiple localized public safety communications systems Lack of communications across jurisdictional lines compromises response effectiveness 3 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

4 Project History January 2009Joint Powers Authority formed April 2010Request For Proposals (RFP) released May 2010 LA-RICS received FCC Waiver to establish 700MHz Interoperable Public Safety Broadband Network and a $154.6 million BTOP grant. July 2011 LA-RICS cancels procurement – California Public Contracts Code October 2011 Assembly Bill 946 (Lowenthal) Enabled LA-RICS to proceed with a turn-key procurement November 2011 New Request for Proposals released for single LTE and LMR contract 4 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

5 Project History (cont.) 5 January 2012Proposals received in response to dual LTE/ LMR procurement Feb. 2012 Congress passed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Jobs Initiative of 2012 (H.R. 3630) April 2012LA-RICS placed procurement on hold to further analyze impacts resulting from H.R. 3630 August 2012LA-RICS Board of Directors voted to cancel RFP and issue two separate RFPs for LMR and LTE Sept. 2012Assembly Bill 1486 (Lara) enacted allowing limited CEQA exemption October 2012New RFP for LMR released January 2013 Proposals received in responses to LMR procurement, award expected mid-summer Date TBDNew RFP for LTE will be released © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

6 H.R. 3630 In Feb, 2012, Congress passed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Jobs Initiative of 2012 Provides for use of the D-Block for public safety NTIA established FirstNet to oversee national Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN) Requires that T-Band spectrum be returned by 2021 and vacated by 2023 – Eleven major metropolitan areas affected: o Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburg, Washington, DC, Miami, Dallas H.R. 3630 provides for funding and spectrum assistance in moving public safety communications off T-Band – But not until 2021 6 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

7 A. B. 1486 A.B. 1486 – Authored by Assembly Member Ricardo Lara Provides LA-RICS a limited CEQA exemption until 2017 Project Site Criteria –Located on police, Sheriff or fire station sites –Existing publicly owned transmitter site –Cannot be located in environmentally sensitive areas »Wetlands »Riparian areas »Habitat of significant value »Historical Significance –Monopoles shall not exceed 70 feet –LMR towers shall not exceed 180 feet Does not exempt project from NEPA clearance 7 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

8 H. R. 3630 introduced considerable risk to a T-Band only deployment – Per FCC: Build at your own risk 700/800 MHz Option Evaluation – Lack of available spectrum prohibited deployment Consideration was given for using existing available spectrum in the 700 MHz spectrum and gradual migration off T-Band Hybrid Feasibility Study conducted in May-Jun 2012 – Minimum of 70 (12.5 KHz) Channels needed in 700 MHz spectrum – Minimum of 160 (12.5 KHz) Channels needed in T-Band spectrum 8 Spectrum Feasibility Studies © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

9 LMR System Description There are 109 LMR tower sites available for the LMR network – May incorporate some of 255 LTE monopoles for fill in – Actual site count will be determined by Telecommunications System Contractor’s final design Coverage footprint the same for 700 MHz and T-Band Single P25 core used for both spectrums – Users talk from one spectrum to the other seamlessly Dual spectrum will allow use of existing equipment and migration over 9 years Radio-to-radio (simplex) communication is supported within the same spectrum 9 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

10 Secondary Responders Secondary Responder needs became a strong consideration Unnecessary costs incurred in maintaining independent systems JPA Board determined to support all agencies due to common responses to major incidents Hybrid concept will be designed to accommodate all first and second responders Second Responders in 700/800 MHz systems may participate via The City of Los Angeles, STRS or The County of Los Angeles, CWIRS 10 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

11 Broadband (LTE) Issues NTIA suspended approval of use of funds for LTE equipment pending direction from FirstNet Avoidance of “stranded investment” Allowed to proceed with “Infrastructure” deployment Approval to complete system at discretion of FirstNet Board Spectrum leased to LA-RICS in 2010 has been withdrawn Broadband spectrum now licensed to FirstNet Must apply to FirstNet for spectrum lease –Spectrum lease agreement approved by JPA Board June 19, 2013 If approved, NTIA can release “suspension” to allow purchase and installation of LTE equipment BTOP funds sufficient to complete local broadband system 11 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

12 Per the direction of the JPA Board of Directors, LA-RICS will issue two new RFPs, one for a LMR system and one for the LTE broadband system – LMR: The Authority released a new RFP for a hybrid LMR network and infrastructure build-out Five year program – Phase 1 – System Design – Phase 2 – Site Construction – Phase 3 – Supply Telecommunications System – Phase 4 – System Implementation – Phase 5 – System Maintenance Letter of intent from Motorola received June 18, 2013 – LTE: The Authority will release a new RFP for LTE infrastructure and backhaul components and for equipment in a following phase Three year program – Phase 1 – Infrastructure – Phase 2 – LTE Equipment Procurement & Installation Current Procurements 12 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

13 Questions? Bill Fujioka County of Los Angeles Chief Executive Officer Pat Mallon Executive Director Ron Wong Technical Manager 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 200 Monterey Park, CA 91754 (323) 881-8291 13 © Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved.

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