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50 th Anniversary 1964 2014 Westfield School Special.

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2 50 th Anniversary 1964 2014

3 Westfield School Special

4 In what year did Westfield open? 2014 1964 1864 2004 QUESTION 1

5 In what year did Westfield open? 2014 1964 1864 2004 QUESTION 1

6 In what year did Westfield open? 2014 1964 1864 2004 QUESTION 1

7 500 POINTS

8 Today’s assembly comes from a hall with the same name as one of Westfields’ head teachers. Is it… The Roberts Hall The Taylor Hall The Burgess Hall The McCarthy Hall QUESTION 2 for 1,000 points

9 The Roberts Hall The Taylor Hall The Burgess Hall The McCarthy Hall QUESTION 2QUESTION 2 for 1,000 points Today’s assembly comes from a hall with the same name as one of Westfields’ head teachers. Is it…

10 The Roberts Hall The Taylor Hall The Burgess Hall The McCarthy Hall QUESTION 2QUESTION 2 for 1,000 points Today’s assembly comes from a hall with the same name as one of Westfields’ head teachers. Is it…

11 1,000 POINTS

12 What were Mr Taylor’s three Cs? Comfort, chill out &coolnessCrisps, chocolate and chips Care, courtesy & consideration Chelsea, Charlton and Cheltenham QUESTION 3 for 2,000 points

13 What were Mr Taylor’s three Cs? Comfort, chill out &coolnessCrisps, chocolate and chips Care, courtesy & consideration Chelsea, Charlton and Cheltenham QUESTION 3 for 2,000 points

14 What were Mr Taylor’s three Cs? Comfort, chill out &coolnessCrisps, chocolate and chips Care, courtesy & consideration Chelsea, Charlton and Cheltenham QUESTION 3 for 2,000 points

15 2,000 POINTS

16 How many permanent head teachers have there been at Westfield in the last 50 years? TWOTHREE FOUR FIVE QUESTION 4 for 5,000 points

17 How many permanent head teachers have there been at Westfield in the last 50 years? TWOTHREE FOUR FIVE QUESTION 4 for 5,000 points

18 How many permanent head teachers have there been at Westfield in the last 50 years? TWOTHREE FOUR FIVE QUESTION 4 for 5,000 points

19 5,000 POINTS

20 In September 2015, we expect to have an extra class, which will give Westfield a total of how many classes? THIRTEENTWELVE ELEVEN TEN QUESTION 5 for 10,000 points

21 THIRTEENTWELVE ELEVEN TEN QUESTION 5 for 10,000 points In September 2015, we expect to have an extra class, which will give Westfield a total of how many classes?

22 THIRTEENTWELVE ELEVEN TEN QUESTION 5 for 10,000 points In September 2015, we expect to have an extra class, which will give Westfield a total of how many classes?

23 10,000 POINTS

24 Westfield “A” team footballers and rugby players usually play in which colours? Purple and orangeRed and white Green and blue Blue and white QUESTION 6 for 20,000 points

25 Westfield “A” team footballers and rugby players usually play in which colours? Purple and orangeRed and white Green and blue Blue and white QUESTION 6 for 20,000 points

26 Westfield “A” team footballers and rugby players usually play in which colours? Purple and orangeRed and white Green and blue Blue and white QUESTION 6 for 20,000 points

27 20,000 POINTS

28 Which of these are NOT grown at Westfield? ApplesPears Red currants Peaches QUESTION 7 for 50,000 points

29 Which of these are NOT grown at Westfield? ApplesPears Red currants Peaches QUESTION 7 for 50,000 points

30 Which of these are NOT grown at Westfield? ApplesPears Red currants Peaches QUESTION 7 for 50,000 points

31 50,000 POINTS

32 Where did Mrs Roberts teach immediately before joining Westfield? HaddenhamHong Kong Hawaii Hunstanton QUESTION 8 for 75,000 points

33 Where did Mrs Roberts teach immediately before joining Westfield? HaddenhamHong Kong Hawaii Hunstanton QUESTION 8 for 75,000 points

34 Where did Mrs Roberts teach immediately before joining Westfield? HaddenhamHong Kong Hawaii Hunstanton QUESTION 8 for 75,000 points

35 75,000 POINTS

36 Which production has Westfield NOT put on? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Wind in the Willows Abba – the Musical Pirates of the Curried Bean QUESTION 9 for 150,000 points

37 Which production has Westfield NOT put on? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Wind in the Willows Abba – the Musical Pirates of the Curried Bean QUESTION 9 for 150,000 points

38 Which production has Westfield NOT put on? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Wind in the Willows Abba – the Musical Pirates of the Curried Bean QUESTION 9 for 150,000 points

39 150,000 POINTS

40 What is the depth of the deep end of Westfield’s swimming pool? 62cm92cm 142cm 202cm QUESTION 10 for 250,000 points

41 What is the depth of the deep end of Westfield’s swimming pool? 62cm92cm 142cm 202cm QUESTION 10 for 250,000 points

42 What is the depth of the deep end of Westfield’s swimming pool? 62cm92cm 142cm 202cm QUESTION 10 for 250,000 points

43 250,000 POINTS

44 In what city was Mr McCarthy born? LondonEdinburgh Belfast Cardiff QUESTION 11 for 500,000 points

45 In what city was Mr McCarthy born? LondonEdinburgh Belfast Cardiff QUESTION 11 for 500,000 points Phone a friend

46 In what city was Mr McCarthy born? LondonEdinburgh Belfast Cardiff QUESTION 11 for 500,000 points Calling…

47 In what city was Mr McCarthy born? LondonEdinburgh Belfast Cardiff QUESTION 11 for 500,000 points

48 In what city was Mr McCarthy born? LondonEdinburgh Belfast Cardiff QUESTION 11 for 500,000 points

49 500,000 POINTS

50 How many children were on roll in 1964? 107207 307 407 QUESTION 12 for 1,000,000 points

51 How many children were on roll in 1964? 107207 307 407 QUESTION 12 for 1,000,000 points Removing 2 answers…

52 How many children were on roll in 1964? 207 307 QUESTION 12 for 1,000,000 points

53 How many children were on roll in 1964? 207 307 QUESTION 12 for 1,000,000 points

54 How many children were on roll in 1964? 207 307 QUESTION 12 for 1,000,000 points

55 1,000,000 POINTS


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