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Monkey Business Using iPads to Survey Best Practices Presenters Peggy Johns, Supervisor Pre-12 Health Ed. Ashley Grimes, Teacher on Special Assignment,

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Presentation on theme: "Monkey Business Using iPads to Survey Best Practices Presenters Peggy Johns, Supervisor Pre-12 Health Ed. Ashley Grimes, Teacher on Special Assignment,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monkey Business Using iPads to Survey Best Practices Presenters Peggy Johns, Supervisor Pre-12 Health Ed. Ashley Grimes, Teacher on Special Assignment, CPPW Pinellas County Schools

2 Welcome! Participants will: examine the utility of an observation walk-through instrument in respect to individual program needs analyze how walk-through data support Physical Education teachers’ needs to be held accountable discuss opportunities for use of the iPad and other technology with data collection processes

3 Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) Two (2) year grant awarded to the Pinellas Co. Health Department Anti-obesity grant to increase physical activity and improve nutrition through policy & systems change Specific focus to promote environmental accountability vs. personal responsibility Pinellas County Schools is one of ten different partners implementing the CPPW grant.

4 Obesity Impact Today about 1 in 3 children and youth (ages 2-19) in the United States are already overweight or obese. As these obese children grow older, they have a much greater risk than their normal weight peers of developing and dying from chronic diseases in adulthood. Some experts claim that by 2015, 75% of adults will be overweight (BMI > 25) with 41% obese (BMI > 30).

5 Obesity Impact Diabetes on the rise: The rise in childhood obesity is linked to a dramatic rise in the number of children suffering from type 2 diabetes. Higher risk of asthma: Children with serious asthma are more likely to be overweight. Extra weight can make it harder to breathe and can inflame the respiratory tract. Increased risk of heart failure: Being overweight or out of shape makes the heart work harder. Overweight children are more likely to grow up to be overweight adults and more likely to develop heart problems.

6 Audience Activity Turn and Talk: Discuss with your neighbor your responses to the questions on the Engagement Activity Part 1. Each partner has 1 minute to share their responses.

7 Pinellas County Schools Background:  Most densely populated county in Florida  23 rd largest school district in the nation  Enrollment: over 102,000 students (67% in PE)  PCS Physical Education Requirement(s):  Elementary Schools – 150 minutes of PE/week  Middle School – one semester of PE/year  High School – one credit/1 year of PE

8 Secondary Physical Education Teachers

9 Starting Points Basis for a Quality Physical Education Program NASPE standards Florida’s Next Generation of Sunshine State Standards for Physical Education Pinellas County Schools Professional Indicator Rubric Walk-through protocols of Downey, C. (2001) and Page, S. (2000) Other educators’ feedback on teaching and learning

10 5 Areas of Survey Learner engagement Efficient use of class time, transitions, student engagement Instruction Learning expectations Gradual release Feedback Questioning Classroom talk Closure Curriculum Standards application Cross curricular Safety (Physical, Emotional and Social) Rules Class set up Supervision Professionalism

11 Survey Monkey Factors Considered Size of District Timeframes for Data Collection Utility for Data Collection Reduction of Human Error Rapid Response

12 Instrument Creation Feb. 2011-Two tools created to collect baseline data in Grades 6-12: Physical Education Walk Through Observation Instrument Field tested instrument in two schools Physical Education Department Survey

13 Instrument Creation Feb. 2011-Tools created to collect baseline data in Grades 6-12: Field tested instrument in two schools Instruments were then uploaded to Survey Monkey: Physical Education Walk Through Survey Physical Education Department Survey Web Link: cle&id=1353&Itemid=1070 cle&id=1353&Itemid=1070

14 Instrument Implementation (Pre-Observation & Interviews) March 2011 Two 10 minute observations of all secondary physical education teachers. 30 minute Physical Education department interview

15 Initial data shared with teachers Pre-school training 2011 Shared aggregated district data of “not evident” areas from observations Middle and high school presented separately



18 Sample Data from one school (data chats) Fall 2011 PE Department data chat meeting School administrators were invited to attend The data for each school as compared to the district were shared with the teachers so they could pursue an action plan for changes that they felt were necessary. Encouraged use of flip cameras to capture best practices


20 Instrument Implementation (Post-Observation & Interviews) March 2012 Two 10 minute observations of all secondary physical education teachers. 30 minute Physical Education department interview

21 Interventions June & July, 2011 – Provided four (4) NASPE trainings for physical education. Curriculum Development K-12 Physical Education Assessment Strategies in Physical Education Secondary Physical Education Instructional Models in Standards-based Physical Education Teaching Dance in Secondary Physical Educati on

22 Required for all members of the secondary curriculum writing teams: Middle School Team High School Team Open to all secondary physical education teachers. Curriculum Development K-12 Physical Education

23 Assessment Strategies in Physical Education

24 Secondary Physical Education Instructional Models in Standards-based Physical Education

25 Teaching Dance in Secondary Physical Education

26 Physical Education Curriculum Guides Aligned to District’s Teacher Expectations Aligned with Best Practices for Teaching and Learning Gradual Release Model Essential Questions Assessments (using scales/rubrics) Classroom Talk Closure


28 District-wide Trainings August 2011: Middle & High School new curriculum guides, resource materials at DWT September 2011: Middle School – SPARK Training (Curriculum Resource) High School – Moderate to Vigorous Activity (Alliance for a Healthier Generation – National Content Manager) Fall & Winter 2011-2012: Middle and High School - follow-up professional development for areas of needed improvement.


30 Audience Activity Please respond to the reflective questions found in Engagement Activities Part 2. 1. Name two ideas that I would like to take back to the district. 2. Name one thing I would like more information about.

31 Value of the Instrument and Process Values Physical Education: Equalizes playing field for Physical Education Teachers Accountability for Teachers and Program Brings sustainable change through processes of evaluating Physical Education Teachers

32 Contact Information Peggy Johns, Supervisor, PreK-12 Health Education Pinellas County Schools Ashley Grimes, MS PE Teacher on Special Assignment CPPW Grant/Pinellas County Schools Judy Barrett, HS PE Teacher on Special Assignment CPPW Grant/Pinellas County Schools

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