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ants in one's pants unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement ex: Lisa had ants in her pants the day before her interview. (the)

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2 ants in one's pants unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement ex: Lisa had ants in her pants the day before her interview. (the) birds and the bees sex education ex: I learned about the birds and the bees when my baby brother was born. cat get one’s tongue can’t speak because of shyness ex: The cat must have got her tongue. She did not say anything at all.

3 dark horse a candidate little known to the general public ex: He was a dark horse in the race to be President until he gave some good speeches on TV. eat like a horse: eat a lot ex: Her brother who is 18 years old eats like a horse. every dog has his day everyone will have his chance or turn; everyone will get what he deserves ex: Don’t worry about him. Every dog has his day and he will eventually suffer for all the bad things that he is doing.

4 fishy odd, suspicious I knew something fishy was going on when I saw all of my friends' cars in my mom's driveway. get the lion's share get the greatest percentage My aunt got the lion's share of the inheritance. hold one’s horses wait, be patient ex: Hold your horses for a moment while I make a phone call.

5 holy cow used to express strong feelings like astonishment, pleasure or anger ex: Holy cow he said as he saw the car that had hit the street lamp. horse of a different color something totally separate and different ex: Moving to a new location is a horse of a different color. It was never mentioned in any of our meetings. in the doghouse in disgrace or dis favor ex: He is in the doghouse with his wife because he went out drinking three times last week.

6 kill two birds with one stone get two things done at once ex: If you pick the groceries up when you drop George off for his shift, you will kill two birds with one stone. kangaroo court a self-appointed group that decides what to do to someone who is supposed to have done wrong. ex: It was decided in a kangaroo court that he would have to pay for the damage that he had caused to the school building.

7 lead a dog’s life work hard and be treated unkindly ex: He is leading a dog’s life since he married the woman who everyone told him not to. let sleeping dogs lie don’t make trouble if you don’t have to ex: You should let sleeping dogs lie and not ask him any questions about the argument. let the cat out of the bag tell something that is supposed to be a secret ex: She let the cat out of the bag when she began talking about the plans for the new department.

8 (a) little bird told me I heard something (usually secretive or unknown) from someone (not named) A little bird told me that you are thinking of quitting your job. lock the barn door after the horse is gone be careful or try to make something certain after it is too late ex: Now he wants to try and fix his house but it is like locking the barn door after the horse is gone. There was already a flood and the damage is done. monkey business unethical or bad activity, mischief ex: He should stop that monkey business and try to do the job the correct way.

9 monkey see, monkey do silly/unintelligent people tend to copy each other's actions Our one-year-old is saying bad words now. I told my husband, "Monkey see, monkey do!" play cat and mouse with someone tease or fool someone ex: He is playing a cat and mouse game with his company about his plans to quit or not. pig out eat a lot of something I pigged out on pancakes so I don't have room for lunch.

10 put the cart before the horse do things in the wrong order ex: I think that buying a ticket before we make any plans is putting the cart before the horse. rain cats and dogs rain very hard ex: It has been raining cats and dogs all day.

11 All materials in this website are used in academic research. Please inform me for violation of copyright, and I will remove it as soon as possible.

12 Metaphor in English as bald as a coot as blind as a bat as blind as an owl as bold as brass as busy as a bee as clear as a bell as clear as day as cool as a cucumber as easy as a pie as fussy as a hen with one chick as hard as the nether millstone

13 as hungry as a hunter as lively as a cricket as mad as a wet hen as mild as a dove as plain as the nose in your face as poor as a church mouse as proud as a peacock as stupid as an owl as thin as a wafer as true as steel

14 The symbol of twelve animals What animal sign were you born under ? I was born in the year of the _______. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Cock, Dog, Boar.

15 Rat: a rat race, rats desert a sinking ship Ox: Ox - eyed The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot Tiger: Paper tiger, ride the tiger Hare: make a hare of sb. You start a hare every time at the meeting. First catch your hare. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hound.

16 Dragon: dragon’s teeth ; the old Dragon Snake: a snake in the grass to warm a snake in one’s bosom Take heed of the snake in the grass. Horse: get on the high horse work like a horse. dark horse

17 Sheep: 1. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 2. There’s a black sheep in every flock. 3. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 4. The sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton. Monkey: Stop monkeying about with the TV set! Your last word has really put his monkey up. make a monkey of

18 Cock: Cock of the walk / school Live like fighting cock. It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. Dog: a lucky dog. Barking dogs seldom bite. Every dog has his day. He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. Let sleeping dogs lie. Boar: Pig 、 hog 、 sow 、 swine

19 References: ll.htm ll.htm

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